Community Guidelines:
You can ask any questions in here, submit your work or share your WINS.
If you have a specific question just ASK in the community and coaches, accountability buddies and even MEMBERS will help you out
REMEMBER: The quality of your questions determines the quality of your answers.
Be specific with your questions so i know how to serve you the best.
this will save us ALL a lot of time ;)
Let's get it!
Our Community Guidelines:
  1. This group is all about money talk. We're here to learn and succeed, so let's stay away from topics like politics, religion, vaccines, or anything that causes conflicts and distracts us from our money-making goals. We have a unique community, and we should use it wisely.
  2. Advertisement **- Don't advertise products or services in any shape or form here - Even indirect ways are forbidden. This will get you banned
  3. We're a friendly and respectful community. That means no mean words, racism, inappropriate pictures, or anything hurtful. We're all part of the same team, working together to achieve big things - Offending members of this community won't be tolerated and will get you banned instantly
PS: "moderators/admins" inside of skool community are part of the team, and no others so people KNOW they are part of the team and not someone who is NOT.
We do not do crypto or trading, and we do not accept crypto as payments
John Expert
Community Guidelines:
Automated Affiliate Marketing
A 90% Automated Online System That Makes Regular People Quit Their 9-5, Get Out Of Debt And Spend More Time With Their Loved Ones
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