Got out of my comfort zone...
Hey everyone! SOOOOO...I finally took time to go through my new contacts on LinkedIN and I sent a voice message to 20 of them (doesn't seem like a lot, but it took a LOT of energy for me to do this, as this is totally outside of my comfort zone - fear around sounding like an idiot, imposter syndrome, etc.). AND, I made it through without dying LOL. Took me @ 1-1/2 hours, as I was reading their profiles, logging their names, and then sending the personalized VM. Happy to report, I had 2 women VM me back and agree to a call - they will be fantastic referral sources and possible business opportunities. I messaged mostly women, and the only guy I messaged was the President & CEO of the CHEO Foundation (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario) - Lily has spent time there quite a bit - and I offered to provide my grief services. EEEKKK! We'll see if he responds. Anyway, today was a WIN for me...and now I am absolutely exhausted. Growth, baby, growth! Tomorrow, I will continue on with the voice messages, as I actually kinda like them (WAY easier than typing and WAY more personal).