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Metaphysical Mob

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3 contributions to Metaphysical Mob
Do you have a crazy story?
Let's take turns posting about a "crazy" psychic or healing experience we had. I'll go first (how do I choose?). When I was in my early 30's, I had a sense that I had cancer in my left breast. There was a "greyness" on that side of my body. Every time I heard the "c word", I felt a jab in the pit of my stomach. I told no one of my suspicion. Around that time, I had the opportunity to visit with a miraculous healer in Arizona. She was a Native American elder in the Dane tribe. My friend had been working with her & had seen some "amazing things". So, she organized for a group to go to her & receive healings (to help this very private woman financially support herself). I took my daughter, Autumn in first. She was about 7 & had pretty serious dyslexia. The healer had Autumn lay on the bed & handed her a card with writing on it. She instructed Autumn to let her know when the letters looked right. She worked on her brain for just a few moments & Autumn screamed, "That's it! Mommy, I can READ!" Then, it was my turn. I had severe back pain for 8 years. She took 1 look at me & said, "It's this muscle here on your stomach. It's all stretched out like an old rubber band." She put her hand on my stomach for a few seconds & instructed me to "test it" by walking around in the room. For the first time in 8 years, I was pain FREE! I was in tears. I asked her to look at my spine. I'd had scoliosis since birth. I laid on my stomach. I felt her put one finger & her thumb on either side of my spine. She gently slid her fingers down my spine. I could feel the vertebrae in my spine shifting. It was bonkers! Finally, I told her that breast cancer ran in my family & asked her to just "check me out". My friend (international psychic & Healer) who organized the trip was sitting on the bed with me. The Healer scanned me & said, "Oh, my." My friend said, "I see it too. It's on the left side. It has tendrils & everything." She said, "Hold on, darling." She put her hands on me & withing seconds we heard & felt a loud "POP!". We all jumped & screamed with surprise.
New comment Aug 10
Do you have a crazy story?
1 like • Aug 9
WOW!! Truly Amazing! Iena, where in Arizona was this Native American Woman Healer?
Animal Communication?
Hey, guys! We have Animal Communication for the Metaphysical Mob this weekend. It's a bit repetitive for all of you in Creature Connection! I'm open to ideas to replace it with. ANyone have something they really want to learn??
New comment Aug 10
Animal Communication?
1 like • Aug 8
Somewhat Random and Out of the Blue. Akashic Records - tapping into and retrieving information.
Card meaning
Here is the meaning of the dragon card I was not sure of in the meeting earlier. See if this helps you @Nancy Smith
New comment Aug 7
Card meaning
2 likes • Aug 4
WOW! Thank You!, Amy ! Powerful Information. I definitely resonate with what is stated, and have heard similar messages. I just need the courage and faith to do what needs to be done.
1-3 of 3
Nancy Smith
1point to level up
Hello All !! My name is Nancy and I live in Tucson, Arizona. I am an Animal Communicator and Reiki Master. I am an avid athlete - Swim, Bike, Run !

Active 8d ago
Joined Jul 15, 2024
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