In the course of recording a recent podcast, the film Zombieland came up, in particular The Rules the movie uses for comedic effect on how to effectively combat the undead enemies. CISSP is almost exactly like a zombie from the movie: overwhelming, seemingly impenetrable, and relentless. The Zombieland Rules can guide you with CISSP also, though. It's not an impossible exam. It has weaknesses. Armor yourself with The CISSP Rules. #1: Cardio - Exercise of course always helps, but also the bigger theme: prepare. Learn the fundamentals of security. This is not an entry-level exam. #2: Double Tap - Use the Peace of Mind protection when you schedule (if available) to get a second attempt for a discount. Then your first try is just a really, really realistic practice exam (that you may pass!) and you can relax a bit. #3: Beware of Bathrooms - Use breaks during the test judiciously. A break can reset your mind, but also can eat available time. #4: Seatbelts - Strap on all the knowledge available, and there's a ton of resources, both free and paid. Vary your sources for study materials. It's a lot to digest, and different resources highlight different topics in different ways. #5: No Attachments - You will take the exam with nothing other than your brain. No phones, no car keys, no personal items. #14: Always Carry a Change of Underwear - Don't soil yourself during the exam. #16: Opportunity Knocks - If you see easy question, take the win! #17: Don't be a Hero - If you see hard questions that you cannot possibly answer, don't waste time. Answer and move on. You do not need a perfect score, just a passing score. #17: Be a Hero - Budget your time in all aspects: Study time leading up to the exam, as well as available time during the exam. #18: Limber Up - Practice questions are your friend. Remember that explanations are 50% of the value of practice questions. #19: Break It Up - How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Don't overdo it, just keep pace.