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27 contributions to Real Recovery Coaching
🤼‍♂️Unyielding: Training Through Pain, Powering Through Life
Nearly 9 months in and I haven't skipped a single day of training. About 60 days in, I had both tennis and golfer’s elbow in my left arm and could barely hold a weight, so I had to tie them to my hand while wrapping my arm with about 3-4 braces—from my thumb to my elbow. After day 112, I screwed up my left knee. It hurt like hell, but pain wasn’t going to kill me. Then came summer, and I got sick—sinuses all messed up, barely wanted to get out of bed, but I still hit the gym. Even if I was only at 65%, giving up wasn’t an option. And just recently, that on-and-off cold/flu knocked me down twice. There was a day my face looked puffy as hell, I couldn't breathe, but again, not dying, still showing up. So, what’s the takeaway from all this? What’s the point? For me, it's been about smashing through tons of mental barriers when I needed it most. I look back at last year, a total mess, inhaling pizzas and junk, asking myself what’s the point if I end up back in prison. But then I started understanding about frequencies, high and low, and about contraction and expansion phases. Acting low frequency in a contraction phase just sinks me deeper. But if I flip the switch, keep high frequency during those tough times, I stay afloat. Then, when I hit an expansion phase, I’m already revved up and ready to soar. Like Seneca said, “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity.” I’m preparing, every damn day, so when my shot comes, I’ll be ready to take it and make it count.
🦸Embracing the Full Spectrum: Why Being “Too Much” Can Be a Superpower
Abraham Lincoln once said, "It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues." That hits home for me every time I run through my daily inventory and come face to face with my own character defects—and yeah, my vices too. I’m not caught up in my old compulsive habits, but I might overdo other things—like procrastinating, diving into tasks headfirst without a break, or just being plain old intense. Some say I need to “take my foot off the pedal.” Others tell me I’m “too intense” or just “relax.” Sound familiar? If you’ve ever been told you’re a bit much, here’s something to consider: being “too much” means you’re really in the game of life. When you ask for my opinion, you’ll get it—black and white, straight from the heart. Need a favour? I’m there, probably doing way more than you expected as long as they respect boundaries (new lesson). Looking for a friend? I’m all about making real connections. The silver lining: my tendency to overindulge or go overboard isn't just about excess—it’s about passion. My intensity translates into a fierce love for life and a commitment to service and goodness. I am fully engaged, not just coasting through. I refuse to beat myself up for being vibrantly alive. Sure, I might be a lot to handle sometimes, but that's because I choose to live fully, to care deeply, and to engage with the world. So here’s to all of us who are told we’re “too much.” Let's not dim our light. Our zest for life, for overdoing it, has a bright side—it shows in our dedication to doing good and living passionately. We are alive and kicking, and there’s no shame in that.
🗝️Unlocking the Law of Correspondence: Reflecting Within to Change the World Around You
Ever heard the saying, "As above, so below; as within, so without"? This is the essence of the philosophical Law of Correspondence, one of the seven Hermetic principles. It suggests that the realities of our outer world are a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. This law isn’t just mystical mumbo-jumbo—it’s a powerful concept that can drive real change in your life and your interactions with the world. What is the Law of Correspondence This law posits that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and that by understanding the pattern at one level, you can understand something about every level. Basically, whatever is going on inside your head and heart is reflected in your external environment. Your relationships, career, and even daily interactions are influenced by your own mental and emotional state. Why It Matters If you're feeling stuck or if you’re not where you want to be in life, this law suggests that the first place to look is within. It’s about understanding that your external struggles might be a reflection of internal conflicts. Want to change your world? Start with your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs. How to Apply It 1. Self-Reflection: Take time each day to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Are they negative or positive? What fears or beliefs might be holding you back from taking steps towards your goals? 2. Mindset Shifts: Work on transforming negative thoughts into positive ones. If you believe you’re incapable of success, challenge this belief by affirming your abilities and celebrating small successes. 3. Environment Tweaks: Make small changes in your environment that reflect the changes you want to see within yourself. This could be as simple as organizing a cluttered workspace or as significant as distancing yourself from toxic relationships. 4. Consistency is Key: Regularly practicing positive thinking and self-affirmation can gradually alter the correspondence between your internal mindset and your external reality. Impact on Personal Development
New comment Jun 16
0 likes • Jun 16
@Stu Holmes sorry I missed this one, and yeah a lot of these philosophical universal laws are seemingly intertwined with one another. The law of polarity again speaks similar that everything is on a spectrum, light and dark, good and bad, happy and sad. They're the same thing but different ends of the spectrum.
😶‍🌫️The Paradox of Freedom: How Limitations Can Set You Free
Freedom is a concept we all cherish, but what if I told you that true freedom comes from embracing certain limitations? It sounds contradictory, but hear me out. In the journey of life, especially in contexts like recovery from addiction or personal transformation, setting boundaries and sticking to routines are often seen as limitations. However, these so-called constraints are actually the stepping stones to greater freedom. Here’s why: - Discipline Equals Freedom: Discipline, a form of self-imposed limitation, is often misunderstood. By adhering to a structured routine—whether it’s a daily workout, a strict schedule, or adhering to non-negotiables—we actually carve out greater mental and physical freedom for ourselves. Discipline in habits frees us from the chaos of decision fatigue and the paralysis of poor health. - Boundaries Protect Your Energy: Setting boundaries, particularly in relationships and commitments, is another form of limitation. By clearly defining what we accept from others and ourselves, we prevent burnout and maintain our integrity. Boundaries aren't about keeping people out; they're about keeping your energy in, allowing you to engage more fully where you choose. - Constraints Spark Creativity: Creatively, limitations can be a blessing in disguise. Writers, artists, and musicians often find that constraints in form, materials, or themes push them to think more deeply and innovate. What could be more freeing than discovering new ways to express yourself within a set framework? - Financial Budgeting Liberates Future Choices: Financially, imposing limits through budgeting may seem restrictive but is ultimately liberating. By controlling spending now, we open up future opportunities that unchecked spending would never allow. Financial discipline results in economic freedom. Reflective Questions to Consider: 1. What limitations have you set in your life that have actually increased your sense of freedom? 2. Can introducing more structure in your day-to-day life enhance your creativity and productivity?
🍗Fully Loaded Guide to the Mediterranean Diet: No Myths, Just Real Food
Tired of diets that demonize certain foods? Let’s set the record straight with the Mediterranean diet—it’s about balance, flavour, and eating foods that genuinely nourish your body. Here’s how you can enjoy this diet without falling for common misconceptions: - Proteins: Red meat isn't the villain here. Enjoy beef, lamb, and chicken, cooking them in ways that preserve their natural flavours—grilling, roasting, you name it. Seafood, too, is a big player. Load up on fish like salmon, mackerel, and whatever else you fancy. They’re packed with omega-3s for your brain and heart. And remember, if you can't do shellfish, no sweat—there's plenty of fish in the sea that are just as nutritious. - Fats: Here’s where it gets good. Butter, ghee, and olive oil are all in play. Use butter or ghee for cooking to enjoy their flavours and nutritional benefits. Olive oil is perfect for dressing salads or light sautéing. Don’t shy away from avocados and nuts like almonds and walnuts; they provide essential healthy fats and taste great. - Carbs: This diet loves its whole, unprocessed carbs. Sweet potatoes, whole grains like quinoa and farro—these are not just fillers, they're energy providers. They come packed with nutrients that keep you going all day long. - Vegetables and Fruits: Load up on a variety of veggies—spinach, broccolini, capsicums, and more. They're essential for their vitamins and minerals. Fruits are your natural sugar hit—they come packaged with fibres and antioxidants, which help your body process their sugars more efficiently. - Dairy and Eggs: Keep the dairy, especially full-fat versions like Greek yogurt and traditional cheeses, which are richer in nutrients and keep you satisfied longer. Eggs are a powerhouse, perfect for starting your day or as a protein boost in salads or sandwiches. - Salt and Seasonings: Real salt, especially unrefined sea salt or Himalayan salt, is your friend, especially if you’re active. It’s crucial for hydration and preventing muscle cramps. Season your dishes with a mix of herbs and spices—garlic, oregano, paprika, and others to enhance flavours without overloading on sodium.
New comment Jun 6
0 likes • Jun 6
@Stu Holmes its great because besides the oils you really don't need to count calories. Its really all the calories in things like chips that stack up quickly
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Adam Avignone-Green
19points to level up
Addiction Recovery Coach dedicated to helping others escape their vices and reclaim their lives.

Active 6d ago
Joined Apr 22, 2024
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