I have a podcast with a fellow RD, who will get to meet all of you as my Plus one in Florida: https://savvydietitian.com/podcast/ We have it on podbean. We understood at the time that we had to have 3 episodes recorded before going for spotify or Apple. Maybe that changed with spotify buying anchor.fm. If I branch out on my own, I'd probably call my podcast "Eat well and Stress less about food" or "Smarter not Harder Nourishment" or "Savvy Dietitian: Eating well, stressing less" Would love input. My aim is to help busy people eat well and stress less about food with smarter not harder tips for nourishing the ones they love.
@Nick Cartaya , I don't think so. but you could stop after "injury free". I do like that you are thinking of the whole person, though, with the on and off course piece.
@Chelsea Muncy , this is a fabulous brainstorm. I'm also serving busy moms who want to eat well, stress less about food and nourish a great life by helping them find smarter, not harder ways to nourish the ones they love. Maybe we should connect!!
I help busy moms who want to eat well, stress less about food and nourish a great life by helping them find smarter, not harder ways to nourish the ones they love. Pains/frustrations (ranked, though probably not perfectly) 1. Lack of time to plan/cook/shop/exercise 2. Lack of meal/menu inspiration 3. Pick Eaters/different eating prefernces at the table 4. Confused by conflicting nutrition information on how to eat right 5. Eating well is complicated/takes a lot of time Worries/Fears: 1. Teaching kids poor eating habits 2. Feelings of failure to lack of willpower to avoid XYZ (sugar, carbs, fat, etc) 3. Eating the wrong foods (too much sugar, processed foods) 4. Weight gain/unhealthy 5. Not getting enough nutrients Goals/Desires: 1. Ample time to plan, cook, shop, exercise 2. Lots of inspired menu/meal ideas 3. Everyone can eat the same meal and be satisfied 4. Confidence in ability to feed the family well 5. Eating well is simple and not time consuming Dreams 1. Confident their kids will be healthy, and they can teach their kids how. 2. stress free relationship with food --all foods fit, Gentle Nutrition 3. Confidenct in ability to nourish one's self and family 4. Best Health of their life 5. Confidency they are getting the right balance of nutrients.
If you have Canva Pro, you can resize projects. So, you can start with a thumbnail and resize it to an IG post size. It will ask you if you want to copy and resize -- which would be recommended! You may have to adjust things a little, but you won't be starting from scratch.