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5 contributions to The Calm Lion's Path
My girlfriend is preparing for her exams... I said her study well... She liked the message and said good night... I felt that it was rude... I mean it deserves atleast a thanks or something wholesome??? Or is there any other way to manage my emotion regard this..
New comment May 2
0 likes • May 2
High chance your girlfirend isnt as interested in you as you think she is. A good woman that loves you remains consistent desire overtime that should grow into a stronger connection. Only a woman that settled for you and doesnt truly want you, would behave the way she did. Its time to truly look at your relationship and ask yourself, is she really into you? I hope this guide here helps you discern if she does or doesnt.
Daily prompt(God.Mission.Woman)
Lions, what should a man do when his wife’s sex drive declines and talking to her several times doesn’t result in an improvement or a solid reason?
New comment Apr 8
0 likes • Apr 8
Can be multiple reasons. Bad Case Scenario: Your wife settled for you (doesnt find you attractive so her drive will drop anyways and even if it comes up she wont want to be intiamate with you) Scenarios that can change: If your wife truly desires you and lets say her libido has dropped then I would focus on fixing her hormones naturally via proper nutrition, Make certain you are actually courting her properly and treating her well. If those two things are done then everything should return to normal. P.S. If she has any respect for you at all and she notices her sex drive has dropped for health reasons then she herself will be serious about fining a solution to fix it.
Daily prompt (God.Mission.Woman)
Men must be secure in every choice they make before and during the relationship. You ever hear about those stories when the man snaps because his woman does him dirty like she cheats on him with the neighbor or he walks in on her,etc. The list goes on… My assumption is this man wasn’t a virtuous masculine man with God,Mission, Woman in order.. In this case most likely his wife was placed number one. What are your thoughts on this one gents?
New comment Feb 19
0 likes • Feb 19
the guy married an immoral woman. A godly woman doesnt cheat because first and foremost she is to honour God, thus she would never betray her husband because in doing so she would disobey God. Futhermore, a man is supposed to put God first and his wife second. Therefore a man´s mission is to lead protect and provide for his wife. It is God then wife.
Are women a “Safe Space” in a relationship?
I hear this one a lot gentlemen and I would love to hear your thoughts on this one? Sounds off in the comments.
6 members have voted
New comment Feb 14
0 likes • Feb 13
@Coach Raph are you married or are you single?
0 likes • Feb 13
@Coach Raph was married? May I ask what happened in your divorce? Happy to hear you’re in a relationship with a good woman. How long have you both been together?
“A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:” - Proverbs 1:5 1. LUST =  (projecting your  sexual desire onto uninterested women.) MODERN MEN HAVE BEEN LED TO BELIEVE THAT PHYSICAL ATTRACTION WORKS DIFFERENTLY FOR WOMEN, SO AS LONG AS YOU KEEP TRYING SHE WILL FINALLY GO OUT WITH YOU. There are plenty of pickup artists and other modern men that deceive innocent, insecure and lustful men to believe that they can get any woman so long as they force themselves into her life. They think "If I try hard enough, flirt, seduce her, pursue her , shower her with affection… then she will all of a sudden feel the same way back". Not only is this the biggest lie sold to men, but it also has the opposite effect on desire. The very idea that you can barter and negotiate desire in of itself comes from a lack of understanding of attraction, women, and relationships. No amount of appreciation for her physical beauty will make her feel the same towards you. Only women with excessive vanity will temporarily involve themselves with an unattractive man as it offers them a steady source of external validation. 2. FRIENDSHIP = (attempting to form a platonic bond with an uninterested woman)  MODERN MEN HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT IF OVERPURSING DOESN'T WORK, YOU SHOULD SUPPRESS YOUR DESIRE FOR HER AND PRETEND TO BE HER FRIEND AND HOPEFULLY SHE WILL START TO LIKE YOU BACK. We have all seen the typical guy get friend-zoned. This happens because he assumes that if he goes the platonic route, she will see his worth and start to feel the same way about him that he does about her. What he fails to understand is that if she had a genuine romantic desire in dating him, she wouldn't be his friend in the first place. No amount of time invested in a friendship with a woman will make her suddenly develop physical attraction towards you. Only women who are attention seekers will eventually lower their standards and build a limited bond with a man they have relegated to the friendzone.
New comment Feb 13
1 like • Feb 12
@Coach Raph I believe men struggle with these because they follow modern dating advice from red pill, manosphere and other immoral men.
1 like • Feb 13
@Coach Raph yes, I believe all of it is bad. These men dont how to identify a godly woman, they dont know how to even be godly men. They dont understand genuine desire or shared values, they only know how to have superficial, onesided relationships that end badly. It´s terrible and it puts fear and shame into the hearts of young men who are in need of actual guidance. Modern men are not taught how to be husbands.
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Christian Koziol
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I help men master relationships righteously.

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