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Real Recovery Coaching

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2 contributions to Real Recovery Coaching
🧗The Grit of Tenacity: Turning Rock Bottom into a Foundation for Growth
We've all had moments that knocked us flat. Burning bridges with friends, family, ending up in a cell, or missing out on life's big moments—all because addiction had us in a chokehold. Some of us have walked straight out of the hospital and back into the arms of our old habits. Every one of these low points could have been the end of the story. But here you are, reading this, fighting the fight or maybe just starting to think about it. That's what tenacity is all about. It's not just hanging on for dear life; it’s about clawing your way back up, every time, no matter how hard you hit the ground. Why is tenacity non-negotiable in recovery, and in life? Because getting back up time and time again declares loud and clear that our past doesn't get to write our future. Every setback, every mistake—they’re not just regrets. They’re fuel. They power us to push forward, to transform, to genuinely live differently. Every low point has the potential to teach us something vital about who we are and what we’re capable of. Being tenacious means owning these moments, using them as the raw material to build a stronger version of yourself. Think on this: - How will you use your toughest times as the fuel to propel you to where you truly want to be? Tenacity in recovery isn’t just about survival; it’s about thriving. It’s about creating a path forward with the full understanding that while our struggles are part of our history, they don’t have to determine our trajectory. Don’t just passively let life happen to you. Use every piece of your past, every hard-earned lesson to power your journey forward. And never forget: you are resilient, you are capable, and you damn well deserve the life you’re fighting for.
New comment May 26
1 like • May 26
Great post Adzzie!
🪽Unfiltered Recovery Talk: Tackling Real Challenges
Understanding My Addiction - Starting something new is always a bitch, right? Well, that's how it kicks off with our recovery program. The first chunk of this journey is all about healing. We can’t move forward without dealing with this part first. In our program, some just go with their gut through this initial phase, while others need a clear-cut game plan. The reasons vary—some of you might be fresh to recovery, just having dragged yourselves out of the mud from your latest scrap with drugs. Or maybe you've been clean for a stretch but the ghost of addiction still haunts every corner of your life, showing you how powerless you really are. Sometimes, it’s the sheer agony of our situation that drives us back here, ready to try again. It’s about recognizing that our recovery is a lifelong trek—no finish lines, just continuous growth. For many of us, understanding that addiction isn’t about moral failure but a real, gnawing disease helps us to get why we’ve hit rock bottom. For others, it's less about understanding and more about getting the hell out of the mess we're in. Now, it's time to get our hands dirty. We need to jump into actions that actually pull us further from our addictions, no matter what face that bastard wears today. We're here to really grab hold of the basics—acceptance, humility, grit, and keeping it real—making these the core of who we are. Surrender - First off, surrender doesn’t come in one flavour. For some of us, the journey to even starting the first part of recovery was a brutal enough wake-up call. For others, it’s about reluctantly admitting that there might not be any other way out, even if we’re not fully convinced we’re screwed. It’s only when we begin to truly work this, that we see clearly: we’ve been kicked to the ground, and now, we've got to drop the act. Kicking off means quitting cold—whatever shit we’re tangled up in, be it booze, drugs, or anything else that’s got us by the balls. The focus here is stark: we’re screwed because of our addictions, and if we’re ever gonna clean up our mess, we have to stop the chaos we perpetuate. It’s about nailing down actions that stop our self-sabotage in its tracks.
New comment May 9
2 likes • May 4
Adzzie! How dared u wrote a whole bible about me?!?!?! ... but because u managed 2hit all the major arteries in me, I forgive u cuz!
0 likes • May 4
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Ck Pang
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Acceptance is key!!

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Joined Apr 29, 2024
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