hey there man, to answer your questions: 1. How long will the masterclass be? It will be around 2 hours long. We will be going through the core materials in the beginning and end it off with a Q&A session. And in the event that you can't attend the entire events. We will send over the full recording for people who got a spot in the masterclass. This way you won't miss out on the materials / alpha being shared in the masterclass. Hopefully this addresses your concerns.
big ups @Clarence Yeo, did not get any action in but manage to get in all the airdrops called in the discord community. Delayed gratification as they call it.
GM Starting today @Clarence Yeo will be assisting me with ensuring that the AOC community runs smoothly. He will also be in charge of keeping you accountable in and maintaining the integrity of the server. Let’s welcome @Clarence Yeo