The 3 Commandments of Branded Dropshipping 📈 I’ve sold over 10 million in e-com sales. Over time, what makes for a successful brand becomes readily apparent Break any of these rules, and you’re almost guaranteed to FAIL. Oh, and I added a 4th in there too as a free bonus ;) Let’s get into it.. You must sell to yourself. You are the niche. If the product isn’t something you would buy, use and pay for, don’t sell it. It really is that simple. Don’t sell something you know nothing about to strangers you don’t know. Scratch your own itch. 2. It must solve a big problem. Elon Musk said it best: ‘You’re paid in direct proportion to the level of the problem that you solve’. Score your product pain point from 1-10. 10 is excruciating pain, whereas 1 means that it solves for nothing. The higher the pain point, the easier your product will be to sell, plus the more you’ll be able to sell it for. 3. You must be able to make margin. This sounds obvious, but when selecting a product, I see so many dropshippers selling items with no meat on the bones. You need to factor in cost per acquisition (CPA), leave room for operational overheads (Op Ex) and of course be able to support and pay yourself. 65% gross is the minimum you drop to. Go below this and you can safely expect to fail. 4. BONUS: You must be able to retain customers on the back end. Forget the relentless focus on acquisition. If you want to scale fast, you must attract, convert and retain customers for the long term. Placing 100% of your attention on the front end (ads) is the fastest way to go broke and leave zero legacy. Brands are built on the back of great products. Great marketing works for a while, but it’s not sustainable. To succeed, you need to build a brand. Get off the pump and dump cycle and build a business with exit value. If you’d like to scale your branded Dropshipping brand to 100k/mo, comment SCALE and I’ll send you my free ‘Stuck To Scale’ Guide. This free guide will give you access to all of the behind the scenes systems of a 7-figure Branded Dropshipping Store.