i know thanks giving is around the corner. i know theres only 1 week left to the challenge. i know youre probably doing all the things but just forgot to check in. BUT THE WAY YOU DO 1 THING IS THE WAY YOU DO EVERYTHING!!!! Set a standard of excellence with this challenge by finishing strong !!! enjoy your cheat meal on thursday but be perfect leading up to It and after It. That means a workout on thursday, a freezing cold shower, and sticking to your protocol. Thats how you enjoy thanksgiving guilt free 😁 @Nicole Wodkiewicz @Saduf Uddin @Samantha Kada @Clara Rais Mansour @Tiasha Nandi @Kylie Rinna @Jessica Woodbeck @Cameron Levine @Connor Deighan @Sydney Davis @Jason Epperly @Nina Iaquinto @Nicole LeClaire @Nissrine Murray @Morgan DeDobbeleer @Samantha Quiroz @Kristina Sesi @Justin Woodbeck @Eva Capuana