We can offer more support & help you grow on TikTok 🌟
After having so many of you join this past week, we've seen that you've gotten a lot from the free courses & had some awesome success stories!! 🌟
However, what we've seen that a lot of people are requesting more one on one support. We've got a lot of requests for:
  • Account breakdowns
  • Strategy help (how to change your videos and what to post)
❗So, we've changed our paid community so that's exactly what we can provide! Along with the 5+ courses getting added in there before the new year ❗
If you join the paid community, you will receive:
⭐ An account breakdown within your first week!
⭐ A two week content strategy within your second week!
⭐ Bi-weekly calls to check in and constantly review until you see the growth you deserve!
⭐ More access to us, being able to answer all questions and solve your problems.
⭐ Access to all of the new courses coming out (from strategy A-Z, to TikTok SEO, to Hooks mastery & more!)
For the next 19 people, we're offering this for only $49/month! We're trying to provide as much value as possible for as little as we can! After these 19 people, it'll be bumped up to $75/month (as we'll have such little time 😭)
*if you sign up at $49/month, your price will always be $49/month, the price you join at is the price you keep.
Additionally, if you sign up for an annual subscription, you get 3 months for free ❗
Here is the link for the paid community https://www.skool.com/acegrowthtiktokacademy/about
Let us know if you have any questions before signing up.
Don't worry, we'll always be adding value in here and this will always be free! This is an option for people wanting further support. We have a fun free course coming up in the next few weeks we think you'll enjoy!
Cal McCormick
We can offer more support & help you grow on TikTok 🌟
ACE Growth TikTok Masterclass
We'll teach you how to get more views, more followers and start monetising your TikTok!
Introduce yourself & share your goals with the team!
Leaderboard (30-day)
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