Only 100 days before...
Hey Achievers!
I’m back from my long trip to Europe and feeling recharged, ready to crush the last quarter of 2024 and make it the best yet!
I’ve been working on a list of daily habits I want to implement, and here’s a sneak peek:
  • 15 minutes of reading before bed (minimum)
  • No phone in the bathroom
  • Wake up by 6:30 AM (at the latest)
  • Complete 10 activities on Skool daily
  • 10-minute morning routine (including gratitude, calendar check, affirmations, and breathing exercises)
What about you? Share your top 3 daily habits you want to commit to!
And by the way... there are 100 days left before Christmas. We could all be completely different people in 100 days. Who’s with me?
Marianne Suarez Sabugo
Only 100 days before...
Achieve Hub
An empowering community designed for mompreneurs, focused on achieving goals through accountability, productivity, and collective support.
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