Books are great for knowledge, not transformation
Happy Monday!
I recently came across this wonderful phrase: "Books are for knowledge, not transformation."
This resonated with me because it wasn't anyone with a "doctor" in front of their name, or all the degrees, that changed my own life.
It was a PE teacher I had in middle school who inspired me to become who I am today.
He wasn't the smartest teacher I've ever had.
But he was the most transformative teacher I've ever had. It was his attention to his students, his laughter, and kindness that made all the difference.
I just wanted to share this personal story today because, to me, what you've tried hasn't worked. And I want to make sure you take a moment to consider why.
The good news're here. This tells me you're serious about fixing your situation.
And getting back to the life, PAIN-FREE, that you deserve.
Here’s the thing, though…
You could spend hours Googling, learning the exercises, and becoming an expert in the field. But it would do you no good.
Knowledge is great…
But it doesn’t help transform your life.
Here’s why.
Knowledge can't keep you accountable and on track like a good coach or teacher does.
The most successful runners in the world have coaches. The coaches are knowledgeable, but they're better at keeping them accountable.
While I’ll drop some knowledge here...
…I also want you take back control of the life you deserve without pain.
If you're willing, I'd like you to comment below and let me know what is the #1 thing that would change for the better if you were able to fix your Achilles pain today.
I’d love to hear from you and see how I can support you in your journey! 🙂
Your friend and coach,
Grady Congleton
Books are great for knowledge, not transformation
Pain Free Achilles
It's never too late to take control of your Achilles heel pain and get back to the life you deserve.
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