(START HERE) | Welcome to Ads & Sales!
Welcome to the Ads & Sales community! Below are the next steps.
Step 1: Congratulate yourself as you're already one step closer to scaling your creator, coaching, or agency business and consistently signing new clients each week without spending a boatload on ads, or wasting 30 hours per week making content.
Step 2: Head over to the 'Classroom' and dive into over 5 hours of content walking you through our 'Hybrid Scaling' approach so that you can start booking appointments this week
Step 3: Make an introduction post with your Creator, Coaching, or Agency business, who you serve (your niche), and drop a note on exactly what you want to get out of this system! Happy to help wherever I can!
Step 4: Check out the Calendar tab and add the call to your personal calendar to make sure you show up to get all of your questions answered.
As always, if you have any issues or questions about the next steps for building or running our Hybrid Scaling System, please just make a post here (Skool) and I'll personally help you out.
With that said, I look forward to seeing you on the weekly calls!
- Nolan
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Nolan Harper
(START HERE) | Welcome to Ads & Sales!
Ads & Sales
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💡The Scaling Infrastructure Needed to Scale your Business Past 7 figs
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