You're not doing what your supposed to because of...
.. fear?馃槺馃槺馃槺馃槺馃槺
Yes and no. You're not doing what you're supposed to because:
  • you don't feel like it
  • you're not used to doing it
  • you listen to your internal critic more often than not
  • it feels uncomfortable
  • you're not allocating the time
  • you got discouraged
  • people around you are not supporting you
  • you don't have the energy
  • you don't have the mental bandwidth
  • other things always pop up and take your time
  • you desperately need a breather
  • you've depended on someone and they failed you
  • doing other things feels much better and they take away your motivation, energy, attention, and drive
  • you feel the world is much better off without you
... and the list goes on.
Call to Action: Share reasons that I've missed in the comments below.馃榿馃槄馃槈
We all don't do what we're supposed to for multiple reasons. Are we condemned to suffer? Are we condemned to always give in to our weakness and suffer, feel guilty, and ashamed? (to get the 1-minute recipe on how to break the cycle and quickly start going, scroll to the end of the post)
No, not exactly. We need to make it easy for ourselves to win. Life throws us curve balls all the time. But, if we just start doing 1 thing right that can make us feel good instead of sad, lonely or depressed. If we would just be consistent about that one single thing... we would soon see that it's possible... for us... to win.
We will start sayin to ourselves <<I've done it and I at least have one good thing going for me>>. And that one thing will build into 2 things, 2 consistent habits. And 2 things will build into 3 things. 3 consistent habits. And those 3 into 4, and 4 into 5, and soon enough we might even be closer than we've thought to a good place.
- How can we make it easy for ourselves to start?
- Answer: Get 1 consistent habit going. Do it each day. Get 30 reps in, then add another, then another, then another.
- What if I can't do it every day?
The streak is not important. Building the habit is not important. Your goal is building your confidence. It's showing yourself that you can do it. That it's possible. And... count upwards. Always count upwards.
- Ok. What should I start with?
- Start with something important to you (you'll find a list of 20 ideas below). Make it easy enough that it takes 30 min or less to execute every day. Remember to always count upwards. The streak is not important.
You're building your muscle memory, your emotional connection to yourself and your image as a winner. And... you are setting up your new standards.
My new standard is that...
I always make my bed.
I always eat healthy.
I always look nice and clean.
I'm always careful about my spending.
I always do my pushups.
I always exercise.
I always plan my day.
I always meditate.
I'm always kind to other people.
I always work on improving myself.
You don't need a lot of information. Just do the work. Remember: your work will work on you more than you work on it!
1-minute recipe on how to do this:
  1. Pick a habit (find it in the list below)
  2. Commit to doing it every day
  3. Every morning, after you wake up preemptively count upwards
  4. Do it
  5. If you fail today, no problem, you can try again tomorrow, or the day after, etc, until you finally get fed up and finally do it
List of habits to start:
  1. Making your bed
  2. Pushups
  3. Crunches
  4. Squats
  5. 15 min Meditation
  6. Planning your next day
  7. Analyzing your budget every day
  8. Posting every day
  9. Make a YouTube video every day
  10. Doing 1 sale every day
  11. Reading for 30 min every day
  12. Watching a 5-minute motivational video every day
  13. Saying 'Hi' to 1 new person every day
  14. Giving 1 compliment out of the blue to a person every day
  15. Being grateful for 1 thing each day
  16. Inviting 1 person to join your Skool community every day
  17. Finding one positive thing about you every day
  18. Waking at your desired hour every day (5 am, 6 am, 7 am, etc.)
  19. Petting your cats/dogs every day
  20. Finding the time to say 'I love you' to your significant other every day
Find the 3 habits I'm currently working on are in the comments.
Call to Action: Share the habit you want to build in the next 30 days in the comments below! I'd love to get the conversation going! :D
Ovidiu Drumia
You're not doing what your supposed to because of...
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