Suggestions for Classes
What courses/classes would you like to see in this Community? Here are some possibilities for upcoming classes:
AI Basics for Everyday Life: An introductory course explaining AI concepts in simple terms, focusing on how AI impacts daily activities.
Chatting with ChatGPT: Learn how to interact with ChatGPT to manage daily tasks, gather information, and even for entertainment.
No-Code AI Tools for Creativity: Explore user-friendly platforms that allow you to create engaging digital content, from social media posts to newsletters, without any coding knowledge.
Automating Routine with AI: Learn how to use AI to automate routine tasks like scheduling, reminders, and bill payments to simplify your life.
Give me some ideas of what you would like to see below!
Randy Kopplin
Suggestions for Classes
AI for Seniors
Connect, Learn, and Embrace AI Technology for Seniors
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