A curious thing happened. Why do these creatives work/don't work?
Long story short. I decided to test out my first product (coveted.ch). I made some creatives and one of them brought me 3 sales in a couple of hours on TikTok. I decided to double the budget, but it flopped. I ended up changing my website a bit, improving this creative, spending more and more money, and still no sales... What can be the reason in your opinion? I will attach the creative which brought me 3 sales with under 20 EUR spent and the 'improved version'. (BigMistake2 brought me 3 sales; the second one nothing). CPM is 0.7-0.9 on average.
UPD: The 'EverFeel' ad got better metrics in terms of CPA and CTR, but no sales.
I am also attaching export from my TikTok Ads (yeah I spent way too much)
Nikita Lienov
A curious thing happened. Why do these creatives work/don't work?
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