To Watch on Mediumship
I have been listening to many different podcasts from different mediums and have taken many classes and learned from multiple teachers over the last two years on this topic.
I am not an expert by any means, just like all of you I am still learning and my journey will always be unfolding.
So far, what I have found are two mediums that make this work very simple & beautiful.
Mavis Pittila (she has passed away but her work continues) you can find her teachings on her website for a small fee or on YouTube.
Mavis really has taught me about the purity and feelings tied to being an amazing medium.
Charlie Kelly: he has a no B.S. approach.
Since watching and learning from him my mediumship has become much stronger I find, he takes a lot of my nervousness away and teaches you how to make it very natural.
He focuses on the mechanics and mental aspect, how to get your mind out of the way. He is the best so far that I’ve found for those of us who over think, doubt ourselves and live in our analytical thoughts.
Please find below two videos that I’ve recently watched that I’ve found has completely changed my Mind on some things and opened my perspective & enhanced my toolbox by Charlie.
Alexis Williams
To Watch on Mediumship
Alexis Williams
This class is focused on opening your spiritual abilities, accessing your innate gifts & discovering new ways to transcend your personal limitations
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