Sep '23 (edited) in ASHI
Classroom Format
Hello everyone,
We have our first content contributors subject posted in our ASHI classroom. Will did an AMAZING JOB and provided a very thorough and culture specific examples of mental health and American Samoa. Please take a look under the ASHI classroom- Mental Health Module. I'd like to inform the RN students that are preparing for their NCLEX exam that this study guide is available to them if they would like to use it. I just need the groups "OK" to move forward with that. Please VOTE!
**Only some members have access to the ASHI classroom so not everyone will see the content.
Looks good. Please share
Looks good, but can use some work.
It needs some work. Lets discuss more before sharing.
2 votes
Elina Solaita aka LE
Classroom Format
Nursing Revolution
Nurses embracing innovative practices, expanding professional boundaries, fostering collaboration, and promoting patient-centered care. RE-EVOLUTION.
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