Roots To Health Group
Hello my fellow healthcare professionals. I'm excited to announce that I have STARTED (WIP) a new group called "Roots To Health". This is a private paid subscription group that will include similar subjects as we have here in our Nursing Revolution Group, but is geared towards the public.
My dream is to have a group focused on lifestyle medicine and has healthcare professionals available to interact and participate in the health journey of the general public/community members. You do not need to be a "Lifestyle Medicine" expert because many of the practices are holistic nursing interventions.
Right now, the majority of the participants are from American Samoa, an unincorporated US Territory in the South Pacific. I've been here on island for the past 2 months and within the last month have started a whole plant juice company called Tropical SOL Juice Company. Look for us on FB: TropicalSOLJuice.
What I've learned: People want to be healthier and happier. They are open and willing to learn about their health and ways to improve. Its the implementation of these interventions that is the biggest obstacle. Culture, family and peer pressure plays a major role in keeping them stuck in lifestyle practices that are harmful to their health.
If this sounds like a group you are interested in participating in and/or learning more about, please join our group for $1 a month. This is our "FOUNDING MEMBERS" rate and won't change for you. I'm extremely excited to see how this "Nursing Model" of care plays out and how participants and healthcare professionals feel about it.
Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to seeing you in "Roots To Health"🥰🥰🥰
Elina Solaita aka LE
Roots To Health Group
Nursing Revolution
Nurses embracing innovative practices, expanding professional boundaries, fostering collaboration, and promoting patient-centered care. RE-EVOLUTION.
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