What does your work environment look like?
When I tell people that I'm a nurse, they automatically assume that I'm in the hospital. "Oh what hospital do you work at?" I love saying that I haven't worked in a hospital since 2008 and that the best part of being a nurse is that there are INFINITE settings in which we can contribute to the health and well-being of all humans.
I started this group to emphasize how much nurses can contribute to the health of the world, and it starts with ourselves. As role models, we have to walk the talk. We can't just "take care" of patients and assume they know what that means when we don't even "take care" of ourselves.
I became a licensed massage therapist in 2015, but it wasn't until I got sober in 2017 that I really embraced a holistic way of living. Looking back at my life when I was still drinking, physically I was "healthy", but mentally, emotionally and spiritually I was "sick".
There are two terms that are very similar, but not the same, holistic wellness and lifestyle medicine. Maybe you've heard that nursing is both an art and a science, and to be a great nurse, you need to know how to practice both excellently. That is how I think of holistic wellness and lifestyle medicine. Holistic wellness is the art of mind, body, and spirt while lifestyle medicine is the evidence based science of living using holistic interventions.
Now, back to what does your work environment look like.......sorry for the tangent. 😉
For the last 6 months, I have been self employed. What does that look like? Well, I've been connecting and networking like a mad women. Looking for like minded healthcare providers and community leaders that are engaged in holistic lifestyle activities. I've traveled to the South Pacific to embrace my culture and to introduce, encourage, and support holistic wellness and lifestyle medicine to the community. In the process of doing all that, I started my own whole plant juice company called Tropical Sol Juice Company. With my uncles help, we developed a plant medicine juice that uses all locally sourced ingredients, coconut water, ginger, turmeric, moringa leaves, miracle leaves, and papaya leaves and made it palatable for everyday consumption. Oddly, this tropical island is considered a food dessert and our juice is one of the only ways to get fresh, locally sourced, whole plants in a super convenient way. I am having a BLAST sharing all the benefits of fresh plants with the community and reminding people of all the vitamins and minerals that plants have, and encouraging them to incorporate them into their daily routine.
While it might sound like I'm more of a business person, I very much consider this role as a being a health advocate. I do it on my terms and I do it in a way that allows me to be creative and think out of the box to implement new avenues of distribution (I sell directly to the consumer at the local grocery store).
My intent in writing this post to spark something in you as to why you became a nurse and what is it that you like the most about your work environment. And if you don't like your work environment, what would the one you want to be in look like?
Elina Solaita aka LE
What does your work environment look like?
Nursing Revolution
Nurses embracing innovative practices, expanding professional boundaries, fostering collaboration, and promoting patient-centered care. RE-EVOLUTION.
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