(Tuesday) Magic 8 Email System
While most people struggle to get their emails seen, much less opened and read...
I've been using and teaching others how to create an engaging, automated email system that takes just 8 emails that you can whip out in less time than it takes to watch a Seinfeld episode.
Set it up once and you'll beat 89% of your competition.
This is the same system that landed me a 5k per month client long after our initial call. (It's embarrassing, I almost forgot who he was... but my "Magic 8 Email System" didn't)!
Join me on Live on Tomorrow's Strategy Call.
Steve Rosenbaum
(Tuesday) Magic 8 Email System
Escape the paycheck-to-paycheck prison or fix your retirement: Build unstoppable automated income streams that work for you, not the other way around.
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