The Secret of Living is Giving
I was just going out to buy some stuff in a small store.
I got my stuff and the guy helped me out and was really nice
“It’s 9.59.-“
I give him 10 and say it’s okay like this.
“But you get something back”
“You can keep it, it’s for you.”
“Yes sure!”
It immediately put a smile on his face and mine too.
I went out of the store smiling.
It’s not about the big things
Small things, kindness and acknowledgement make people happy
And so it makes you happy in return
This is the philosophy of giving
When we think about giving we think about doing and giving away big things
But it’s the small deeds that count
And it’s a ripple effect.
What you give is what you get.
What if you’d go through life with an attitude of giving?
How would it change your daily life?
It’s not what you give it’s your intention when you give and the more you give from an attitude of generosity the more you’ll get.
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Oliver Hojas
The Secret of Living is Giving
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