Friday 9-13-24 call Recap
A Q/A mastermind on niche building and differentiation, Ivan laid out the real truth of how influencers make money AND how many don’t make money.
Niching down, differentiation and solving unique problems all boils down to The Blue Ocean Strategy. If you have not heard of this book, grab a copy and read it. You will learn and understand how a ‘red ocean’ is were the competition all devours the same slice of the market turning the waters bloody red. Where as a ‘Blue Ocean’ is a different market that is underserved or not served at all leaving the waters clean and blue. Grab that book. Its worth more than its price.
One key element from the call was the pre-planning of content creation. The subject was basically, do you make content for views and growth or do you make massive value and sell to a smaller audience.
If you missed the call I will try to make this recap real for you… Think of the bigger creators with huge followings. Are there a large variety of subscribers or are the subscribers all from a tight niche? Usually, very large followings are a result of a broader audience and does not necessarily mean the channel is making great revenue on its own. There has to be ads, sponsors and maybe some shwag for sale. Don’t forget the value must be high in forms of entertainment, shock n awe and also must be interesting. This does not come easy to everyone.
A niched down audience on the other hand will be very small (under 1000 subs even) but your value is focused on certain problems, certain people effected by those problems and direct access to the creator to solve the problems. This can look like an existing business that uses content creation to teach and gain new customers. Millions of people probably won’t subscribe to a niched down channel, but the audience that does sub will be fully engaged and ready to work or buy from that creator. An example would be a CPA content creator speaking to a niche about very confusing tax code and how they provide the service to quickly and easily solve this problem which keeps the IRS off your back by avoiding audits and saving you lots of money in the process.
Do this all make sense?
I suppose these ideas are easy to understand and you may have heard all this before. But on Fridays call it really came alive. Make sure you schedule next weeks call in your calendar so you don’t miss the recap and continuation of the lessons associated with niching down, monetization and channel growth.
Aaron M
Friday 9-13-24 call Recap
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