Welcome to another episode of the Soul Awakened Leadership Podcast!
In this heart-expanding episode, investment and real estate pioneer Frank Sippel shares his concept of Conscious Capital.
We explore the concept of steward ownership, the importance of childlike curiosity in business, and innovative financial strategies for regenerative growth.
Through his authenticity and vulnerability, Frank beautifully embodies an invitation for investors to not only rethink their business practices, but also to go on a deeper journey of self-discovery and consciousness development.
He shares the vision behind his newly created REAL FUTURE IMPACT LOAN, an innovative financial product that bridges philanthropy and profit. And we dive deep into the energetic aspect of money, ethical aspects around investment, and the significance of conscious leadership in building a regenerative future.
Enjoy this conversation!
Here are 5 more ways to listen to the calling from deep within and shift your life to the next level:
1. Participate in my free Soul Alignment - Leadership in Service to Life group coaching calls.
2. Apply for the Soul Awakened Leadership Circle Mastermind - This is your weekly support structure for Leaders at the Edge.
3. Create your Personal 1:1 Coaching Retreat in Costa Rica - A once-in-a-lifetime Customized Leadership Journey - Tailored to your Intention and Needs
4. Join Soul Awakening - Authenticity, Leadership & Purpose - In addition to the online course, I will guide you in weekly 1:1 sessions for 3 months
5. Book a Life Transformation Session - For 2 hours, you can ask me anything and I will uplevel your thinking to see possibilities and bring clarity to your life.
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