ReVive | Business Incubator | Nicaragua, April 2024 ❤️🏖💰🙌🏽
Are you ready to go on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and entrepreneurial empowerment? Then join us for the ‘ReVive Incubator’, taking place in Nicaragua from March 24th to April 20th this year.
This incubator is tailored for 18 individuals who feel a deep calling to transform their heartfelt gifts into thriving businesses that contribute positively to the world. It's a sanctuary where the essence of unconditional self-love merges with practical business strategies, guided by five incredible individuals who have mastered living unconventional lives doing what they love and turning it into a sustainable income.
Over one month, you will be immersed in a powerfully transformational experience, exploring the layers that bridge your essence with entrepreneurial vision. The ReVive Incubator is designed for you if you are seeking to understand and align your true self with an impactful offering, paving the way for more businesses deeply rooted in passion, purpose, and love to exist in the world The 7 Layers of the Incubator….
  1. Who Are You & Why Are You Here?
In this initial phase, we'll focus on uncovering your essence by peeling away layers of conditioning. This will involve exploring the fundamental questions—Who Are You? and Why Are You Here? It's an essential yet challenging part of the program focused on unlearning. It will require bravery, vulnerability, and letting go of defenses as you are asked to embrace and share your heart in the company of others. Essentially, it's about being seen. Through this process, you'll discover both your unique gifts and the challenges you're here to face—crucial insights for developing a heartfelt offering.
  1. The Transformation You Offer
Next, we need to understand the core of your transformational impact—something that’s often overlooked by those naturally gifted at their craft. Many times, what you offer feels natural, almost innate, making it challenging to pinpoint its value. However, it's vital to figure this out: Do you bring beauty into their world, foster trust, encourage self-expression, or empower people? Your unique style of transformation holds the key to your uniqueness. Uncovering this is fundamental for shaping your offering and communicating its value.
  1. Communication & Articulation
Many individuals struggle to articulate their offerings clearly, which destroys their ability to create a successful business. Our focus will be on honing your ability to share your voice and communicate your offering with clarity and simplicity. It's not just about speaking from the heart, it’s about communicating clearly and precisely from the heart. No matter how brilliant your offering is, if you can't communicate it to others, you may never have people turn up to work with you. This is a critical part of your entrepreneurial journey.
4. Offer Creation
Next, our focus shifts to aligning your offerings with the transformation you are offering. Whether you have an existing offering or are starting from scratch, this phase involves scrutinizing your offering to ensure it authentically reflects the essence and value you are here to share. Often, people add stuff to their offerings, assuming that more means better, but the key lies in stripping away anything you don’t need. It's about refining and simplifying, ensuring that every facet of your offer is leading people straight into the transformation you are offering. It’s also about making sure you aren’t hiding behind your offering —taking years to create it because you are scared about “getting out there”. Here we will also explore fulfillment, pricing structures, and the delivery stretegy of your offering.
5. Aligned Marketing
We are going to be diving deep into the fears and shadows that hinder your marketing endeavors—which are often different from what you might think. By aligning with your mission and operating from selfless intentions, marketing becomes an empowered expression of your soul. This phase is going to combine inner work with strategic planning, seeking methods that resonate with you and align with your values. It's a journey to foster a profound love for social media and marketing strategies that authentically work for you. Moreover, we'll explore messaging, design, and brand style, transforming marketing from a dreaded chore to a creative endeavor that you genuinely love and eagerly embrace.
6. Sales & Money Another layer of the incubator is to spend significant time on sales and money. However, our focus extends beyond just pricing structures and sales strategies; we will be delving into a series of workshops on money mastery. We are going to be exploring collective fears, ancestral wounds, and the intricate connection between the fear of failure and your relationship to money. Money serves as a powerful spiritual teacher, presenting us with opportunities to heal our deepest fears. We want to show you how to work with money in this way so that you not only know how to open up to abundance but simultaneously move beyond fear.
7. Tech, Systems & AI
In today's landscape, the exploration of systems, technology, and AI presents an unprecedented opportunity to elevate your business. Embracing these tools in an aligned, heart-centered manner offers a gateway to soar to new heights. We are going to show you how to leverage technology and AI across diverse domains, from content creation to brand design, business planning, and go-to-market strategies. It's not just about adopting tools but understanding how to infuse these technologies with your essence, crafting a business that seamlessly aligns with your heart.
Now take all of this and mix in Nicaragua, the beach, music, yoga, dance, incredible food, shadow-work, and a whole lot of unexpected twists and turns. As much as we can share that this will be the outline and the intention of this retreat we understand that the creation of a business requires courage, flexibility, creativity, and the ability to dance with change. Go get ready to be surprised, shocked, stretched, and transformed in what you can't even imagine.
We are going to leave the Early Bird open until the end of January!
Unending love,
Holly, Jakob, Brenna, John & Vanessa The ReVive Team xx
Holly Achaya
ReVive | Business Incubator | Nicaragua, April 2024 ❤️🏖💰🙌🏽
Where brilliant & beautiful Souls come together to help each other master the art of transformational healing, integration, and aligned living.
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