Aug '23 (edited) in General discussion
[First visit? MUST WATCH] Welcome to The FREE BLG Coaches Group!
Watch this video if this is your first time here in the group (even if you are in other groups).
  1. Download the Skool App on your photo so you don't miss out on the convo
  2. Make sure your gym name is in your profile so we know! (this is required)
  3. Make your introduction post
  4. Complete the action by coming back here and commenting with your favorite flavor of ice cream.
Intro post criteria cheat-sheet
  1. Your name, city, and state.
  2. What gym do you coach at and what is your position/title
  3. Are you full-time or part-time
  4. Your aspirations as a coach
  5. Attach a photo of you
Welcome to the group, we are beyond excited to continue to build the community with your help!
Complete action
Will Hurst
[First visit? MUST WATCH] Welcome to The FREE BLG Coaches Group!
Big Little Gyms - Coaches
A free support & resource group for gym owners, coaches & trainers
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