Make Us All Healthy Again
I publish this as I believe that health is critical in all our lives - I ask you not to look at this politically but intelligently.
Discaimer lol:Im from the UK, I have no skin in the game. Yes if I was American I would vote for Donald Trump, but that is something is irrelevent as Im not and just my choice if it was possible. I only publish this video, as I admire the Kennedy's particularly JFK Junior in the video in an interview with Charlie Kirk.
Please watch this video as it all about changing the American society in the future, and I think it will be modelled by many abroad, so I watch.
As body contouring business owners I thinks it our responsibility to teach health, as the healthier our clients are the better lymphatic drainage works as well wood therapy and are rf and cavitation and more and more. Helping our clients to be healthy is critical to their success, something we should all strive for. Im certainly not perfect and my wait has gone up and down.
Please watch this video MAHA video, it could be the catalyst for changing many peoples lives in the years to come, starting with you lol
Jason Cohen
Make Us All Healthy Again
Body Contouring Business Skool
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