Thinking Beyond The Mainstream... right or wrong its good to consider everything
Right now, I am genuinely fascinated in my life by USA politics, should i care, probably not. I live in London in the UK, in Ealing, and sweat and lovely and safe, but what happens abroad facinates me, you can see that from my several posts in this commity.
I will probably get in trouble for posting them, but hey its my community, I think I can, unless I get screamed at too much lol
But the reason I publish them here, is I hope in years to come when the 2024 election has come and gone, and whoever is in power, or the UK elections where im from, that people, can look at the videos im showing.
Im not 100% sure why this video is relevent for this space, but as a business man and entreprenuier I hope the guys and gals that get me will see value in the way Farage speaks. Its clever, every word is carefully thought through before said, its 3 decades of learning how to get his point across. Truly a statesmens in what he does.
I think as business owners we can use these skills lol and learn from inteligent people.
Disagree with the politics, but that is not the focus of this message, its more about psychology and persausuan and I think he teaches that very well. Share your thoughts lol
Jason Cohen
Thinking Beyond The Mainstream... right or wrong its good to consider everything
Body Contouring Business Skool
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