I tell everyone that I managed to book double digit bookings daily with cold callers.
This is because I didn’t book them myself.
I hired a team to create leverage.
Leverage being the key word.
Not me doing 300 calls ripping my hair out.
With such a low ticket activity why wouldn’t you outsource it.
I tell everyone that yet I get constant questions on where I find them.
The best sources I’ve found are Skool and Facebook.
There’s also success with linked in and upwork.
It really is that easy, make a post or dm other callers who have replied on their post.
Give them a job description which is depending on your situation, and aim to get them on commission only.
Make sure accent and English is good, and ensure they’re motivated.
Don’t just hire the first 5 people you get.
Anyways if anyone wants my 14 page cold calling doc on how I average 1987 dials a day comment ‘cold call’ or if you want my 30 page client acquisition doc comment ‘clients’
Leverage is always your best friend.