I was ALWAYS the WORST at breathing.
I would always have my mouth open, drooling... 🤤
Mouth breathing very SHALLOWLY.
It wasn't just a HABIT either...
I remember the nights VIVIDLY...
Where I'd try to breathe through my NOSE 👃
But it was like trying to suck air through a STRAW filled UP.
I'd give up, and continue MOUTH breathing onto the night...
I felt HOPELESS 😔, and didn't know what to do...
I'm sure you have had a similar experience bro...
Where you've either been a MOUTH-BREATHER 👄, or found it hard to breathe through your NOSE...
Breathing is EVERYTHING. 🌐
Your breath is responsible for ABSORBING oxygen 🫁 and to EXPEL carbon dioxide through the LUNGS.
And if you're breathing WRONG...
There are MANY consequences that come with it.
But if you get breathing RIGHT...
✅ You reap the rewards and benefits...
It's why I've made this guide, so YOU don't make the same mistakes ⚠️ that I have done, with breathing.
And so you're able to have a BETTER LIFE! 🤗
Let's get RIGHT IN.
  • ❤️ 1. What is Breathing Vital For?
  • 😮 2. What is Mouth Breathing?
  • ✋ 2.1. Why SHOULDN'T You Mouth Breathe?
  • ⚠️ 2.2. NEGATIVES of Mouth Breathing
  • 👃 3. What is Nasal Breathing?
  • 💪 3.1 Why SHOULD You Nasally Breathe?
  • 🎁 3.2 BENEFITS of Nasal Breathing
  • 🫀 4. Diaphragmatic vs. Shallow Breathing
  • 😶‍🌫 5. Sleep Apnea
  • 🛌 6. Sleep Positions (Stomach vs. Back vs. Side)
  • 📝 8. Final Notes
❤️ 1. What is Breathing Vital For?
But first, what actually IS breathing?
Breathing, or respiration, is the PROCESS by which living organisms take in oxygen from the environment and EXPEL carbon dioxide. 🏭
This essential function involves inhalation, where air ENTERS through the nose or mouth, travels down the airway to the lungs, and FILLS the alveoli, where oxygen 🫁 diffuses into the blood and binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells.
Simultaneously, carbon dioxide, a metabolic waste product, MOVES from the blood into the alveoli for expulsion.
During exhalation, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, expelling carbon dioxide-rich air.
Breathing provides the oxygen necessary for ATP 💊 production through cellular respiration, removes carbon dioxide to maintain acid-base balance and blood pH, and supports overall homeostasis.
And why is it VITAL?
Breathing is vital for providing oxygen needed to produce energy 🔋 in our cells and for removing carbon dioxide, a waste product.
This process helps maintain a healthy balance of gases in the blood, keeps our pH levels stable, and supports overall bodily functions, ensuring that all tissues receive enough oxygen to perform their necessary activities.
Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get into MOUTH BREATHING.
😮 2. What is Mouth Breathing?
Mouth breathing involves inhaling and exhaling air through the MOUTH rather than the NOSE. 😮‍💨
This process bypasses the NASAL passages, where air would typically be filtered, warmed, and humidified.
During mouth breathing, air enters directly through the oral cavity and travels down the throat, reaching the lungs.
The tongue's position 👅 typically drops lower in the mouth to allow more AIR to pass through, and the mouth often remains slightly open, especially during activities like talking or physical exertion.
Mouth breathing can occur during both wakefulness and sleep, and it can be either a habitual behavior or a response to OBSTRUCTED nasal airways.
✋ 2.1. Why SHOULDN'T You Mouth Breathe?
Mouth breathing should be minimized or avoided because it bypasses the natural filtration 🔍, humidification, and warming processes that occur when breathing through the nose.
This can lead to increased exposure to airborne particles, allergens, and POLLUTANTS.
There's also many other negatives with MOUTH breathing, including:
⚠️ 2.2. NEGATIVES of Mouth Breathing
There are MANY negatives with MOUTH BREATHING, such AS:
  • Mouth breathing can lead to dryness in the MOUTH and THROAT due to reduced SALIVA production, potentially causing discomfort and oral health issues like BAD BREATH and TOOTH decay.
  • Breathing through the mouth during sleep can disrupt the natural BREATHING pattern, leading to snoring, SLEEP APNEA, and fragmented sleep, which can result in daytime FATIGUE and irritability.
  • Chronic mouth breathing can contribute to dental MALOCCUSION, such as an open bite, crowded teeth, or changes in FACIAL structure, requiring ORTHODONTIC intervention.
  • Mouth breathing can affect speech development, leading to PROBLEMS with articulation, clarity, and pronunciation.
  • Breathing through the mouth may reduce OXYGEN intake compared to NASAL BREATHING, affecting overall oxygenation levels in the body and potentially impacting physical and COGNITIVE performance.
  • Mouth breathing can increase the RISK of respiratory infections as it bypasses the natural FILTRATION and humidification provided by nasal breathing.
  • CHRONIC mouth breathers may adopt poor HEAD and NECK posture, such as forward head posture or mouth open posture, which can lead to muscle tension, neck pain, and headaches.
  • Mouth breathing can exacerbate ALLERGY symptoms and ASTHMA by allowing allergens and irritants to enter the airways more easily, leading to increased inflammation and respiratory distress.
  • Continuous MOUTH breathing can cause a dry, irritated throat, leading to DISCOMFORT, coughing, and THROAT infections.
  • Nasal breathing is essential for fully experiencing SMELLS and TASTES, so mouth breathing may DIMINISH these sensory perceptions.
  • Chronic mouth breathing can contribute to ANXIETY and STRESS, as it is associated with shallow, rapid breathing patterns that can activate the body's stress response.
  • Mouth breathing can be socially STIGMATIZING (which it should be), especially in public settings, leading to self-consciousness and reduced confidence.
  • Mouth Breathing is associated with sleep-disordered breathing conditions like SLEEP APNEA, which can have serious HEALTH implications if left untreated.
  • Poor sleep quality resulting from MOUTH breathing can lead to CHRONIC FATIGUE, daytime sleepiness, and difficulty CONCENTRATING.
  • Mouth breathing can lead to swallowing AIR, which may contribute to DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS such as bloating, gas, and discomfort.
  • Reduced OXYGEN intake and inefficient breathing patterns associated with MOUTH BREATHING can hinder ATHLETIC performance and endurance.
  • Mouth breathing may contribute to TMJ (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction) disorders due to altered jaw positioning and muscle TENSION.
  • Mouth breathers may be more PRONE to teeth grinding (bruxism) during sleep, leading to dental wear and jaw pain.
  • Chronic mouth breathing can affect mental WELL-BEING, contributing to feelings of FRUSTRATION, low self-esteem, and decreased quality of LIFE.
Now I'm sure you're not making the DECISION to continue MOUTH BREATHING (lol), you're wanting to STOP it.
But we have to also talk about NASAL breathing first.
👃 3. What is Nasal Breathing?
Nasal breathing is the natural process of inhaling and exhaling air through the nostrils.
This means that instead of using the mouth, air enters and exits the respiratory system primarily through the nose.
It utilizes the intricate nasal 👃🏻 passages that are lined with mucous membranes and tiny hairs called cilia.
This natural process serves several essential functions.
💪 3.1 Why SHOULD You Nasally Breathe?
Nasal breathing aligns with the intricate design of the RESPIRATORY system.
Your nasal passages are specifically structured to FILTER, HUMIDFY, and REGULATE the temperature of the air you breathe. ⚙️
This process is ESSENTIAL for maintaining the health 🩺 and functionality of your lungs and airways.
Breathing through your nose also helps REGULATE the balance of GASES in your bloodstream more EFFECTIVELY than mouth breathing.
🎁 3.2 BENEFITS of Nasal Breathing
There are MANY benefits that come with NASAL breathing, such AS:
  • Nasal passages act as filters, trapping DUST, ALLERGENS, and pollutants from the air, leading to CLEANER and HEALTHIER breathing.
  • Nasal breathing HUMIDIFIES the air, preventing DRYNESS in the respiratory tract and reducing the risk of IRRITATION.
  • Nasal breathing FACILITATES BETTER oxygen uptake compared to MOUTH breathing, supporting overall respiratory EFFICIENCY.
  • Proper breathing through the nose PROMOTES OPTIMAL lung expansion and contraction, IMPROVING respiratory capacity.
  • Nasal breathing HELPS maintain a BALANCE of gases in the bloodstream, supporting cardiovascular and respiratory health.
  • FILTERING and humidifying air in the nasal passages REDUCES the risk of respiratory infections and ALLERGIES.
  • Nasal breathing DURING SLEEP promotes BETTER airflow, REDUCES snoring, and may help prevent sleep APNEA.
  • Nasal breathing SUPPORTS proper alignment of the JAW and dental arches, reducing the risk of MALOCCLUSION and dental issues.
  • Efficient nasal breathing ENSURES ADEQUATE oxygen supply to the BRAIN, supporting cognitive function and MENTAL CLARITY.
  • Nasal breathing DURING EXERCISE improves oxygen delivery to muscles, ENHANCES endurance, and REDUCES fatigue.
  • Proper nasal breathing HELPS maintain SINUS DRAINAGE and reduces the risk of sinus INFECTIONS.
  • Deep nasal breathing ACTIVATES the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting RELAXATION and REDUCING stress levels.
  • Nasal breathing ENCOURAGES proper head, neck, and spine alignment, supporting overall POSTURE and REDUCING muscle tension.
  • Nitric oxide produced during nasal breathing HELPS REGULATE blood pressure and PROMOTE cardiovascular health.
  • Nasal breathing SUPPORTS olfaction, ALLOWING for a more vibrant and nuanced sense of smell.
  • Proper nasal breathing HELPS STIMULATE immune responses and supports the body's defense mechanisms against INFECTIONS.
  • Nasal breathing REDUCES the ingestion of air, PROMOTING better digestion and REDUCING bloating and gas.
  • Efficient oxygenation through nasal breathing SUPPORTS sustained ENERGY levels and REDUCES feelings of fatigue.
☯ FACILITATES Mindfulness and Meditation:
  • Deep nasal breathing is OFTEN used in MINDFULNESS practices and meditation for its CALMING and CENTERING effects.
😌 OVERALL Well-Being:
  • Nasal breathing PROMOTES a sense of WELL-BEING, VITALITY, and optimal health by aligning with the body's natural respiratory processes.
There are MANY benefits that come with nasal breathing, so I hope you've made up your mind now that you'll decide to NASALLY BREATHE.
Do this RIGHT NOW with ME:
INHALE with your nose, and then EXHALE with your nose.
Simple as that.
And vow to KEEP doing that, for the rest of your life.
Now, let's get into...
🫀 4. Diaphragmatic vs. Shallow Breathing
What is Shallow BREATHING?
  • Shallow breathing, also known as CHEST breathing, is a breathing pattern characterized by taking short, rapid breaths that primarily involve the upper chest rather than the diaphragm.
  • During shallow breathing, the breath tends to be more SUPERFICIAL, with minimal expansion of the ABDOMEN or lower lungs.
  • This type of breathing often results in reduced OXYGEN intake and can lead to feelings of SHORTNESS OF BREATH or HYPERVENTILATION. 😬
  • Shallow breathing is commonly associated with STRESS, ANXIETY, poor POSTURE, and certain MEDICAL conditions.
  • It can CONTRIBUTE to reduced respiratory efficiency, and a heightened state of alertness or stress.
🎯 ACTIONABLE STEP: VOW RIGHT NOW to stop breathing into your CHEST, make sticky notes of it, on your desk, whatever you go ect. REMIND YOURSELF OF THIS!
What is Diaphragmatic BREATHING?
  • Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as abdominal or DEEP BREATHING, involves the CONTRACTION and RELAXATION of the diaphragm muscle 💪 below the lungs.
  • This technique emphasizes slow, DEEP inhalations through the nose, allowing the abdomen to EXPAND outward as the lower lungs fill with air.
  • Exhalations are then performed GENTLY and COMPLETELY through the mouth or nose, allowing the abdomen to RELAX and the diaphragm to return to its resting position.
  • Diaphragmatic breathing is BENEFICIAL for efficient oxygenation, stress reduction 🧘, improved lung function, pain management, and enhancing mindfulness and meditation practices.
  • It also PROMOTES relaxation, reduces anxiety, strengthens respiratory muscles, and supports overall physical and mental well-being.
🎯 ACTIONABLE STEP: Breathe deeply into your STOMACH, rather than your CHEST. Vow to do this RIGHT NOW. Take note of this!
😶‍🌫 5. Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a SERIOUS sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep.
These interruptions, known as APNEAS, can last for several seconds and occur multiple times throughout the NIGHT.
The condition can lead to FRAGMENTED sleep and low BLOOD OXYGEN levels, affecting overall health and well-being.
Although most sleep apnea patients are overweight and have a short, thick neck, some are of normal weight but have a small, receding JAWLINE (caused by MOUTH BREATHING 🥱).
We want to minimize our risk of SLEEP APNEA (or if you have it, reduce it as much as we can), as much as possible. We'll be able to do that with the actionable steps coming up soon.
If you DO have sleep apnea, and you're using the CPAP machine 🥽, just a warning. It's only a temporary FIX. I recommend, try out ALL of the actionable steps in this guide, if it's not working, THEN resort to CPAP.
Negative Effects of Sleep APNEA:
Mental Negatives:
  • Fatigue, irritability, lack of focus, severe daytime drowsiness, increased stress, and anxiety, lack of attention, and overall cognitive impairment.
Physical Negatives:
  • SIGNIFICANTLY increased snoring 😴, higher risk of high blood pressure, diabetes 🫃🏻, heart disease and strokes, cardiovascular problems and night sweats.
There are SO MANY negatives with sleep apnea, it’s ridiculous. Now, we’re still not getting into actionable steps yet, there’s one more that is related to all of this:
🛌 6. Sleep Positions (Stomach, Back, Side)
There are THREE MAIN positions that people sleep in.
One of them being sleeping on your stomach
Another one being sleeping on your back
And one being sleeping on your side.
Let’s explain.
Sleeping on Stomach:
Sleeping on your stomach is probably the WORST position you could sleep in. There are SEVERAL negatives to stomach-sleeping, including:
🦴 POOR Neck and Spine Alignment:
  • When you sleep on your stomach, it's REALLY challenging to maintain a neutral position for your neck and spine.
  • Your head is usually turned to one side or the other, which can STRAIN your neck muscles and lead to stiffness or pain.
Pressure on ORGANS:
  • Sleeping on your stomach can put PRESSURE on your internal organs, particularly your lungs and stomach.
  • This can HEAVILY affect your breathing and digestion, potentially causing discomfort or contributing to issues like acid reflux.
  • So NEVER sleep on your stomach if you have acid reflux, because it can exacerbate the issues with it.
BACK Pain:
  • The arch in your lower back (lumbar region) can be exaggerated when sleeping on your stomach, leading to BACK PAIN or aggravating existing back problems.
  • This is because your putting yourself into excessive extension of the lumbar spine, which for most people it isn’t a good thing.
Muscle and Joint DISCOMFORT:
  • Because of the way your body is positioned on your STOMACH, it can put STRESS on your muscles and joints, leading to aches and pains, especially in the shoulders, hips, and lower back. 🦵
Sleeping On Your BACK:
Sleeping on your back is bad for you. ESPECIALLY if you have snoring/sleep apnea issues.
There are MANY negatives to sleeping on your back, including:
SNORING/Sleep Apnea:
  • Back sleeping can SIGNIFICANTLY make snoring worse and increase the risk of SLEEP APNEA in susceptible individuals.
  • When you lie on your back, the TONGUE 👅, and soft tissues at the back of your THROAT are more likely to COLLAPSE, leading to airway obstruction and disrupted breathing during sleep.
  • This makes you either snore, or if you have sleep apnea, you will wake up GASPING for air.
BACK Pain:
  • Sleeping on your back could lead to back pain, especially if you have certain spinal conditions.
  • Some people may find that sleeping on their backs exacerbates lower back PAIN or DISCOMFORT.
Increased Sleep PARALYSIS:
  • Sleeping on your back has been associated with a higher incidence of sleep paralysis, a temporary inability to move or speak while falling asleep or waking up.
  • This phenomenon is more common in BACK SLEEPERS.
  • For individuals with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid reflux, sleeping on the BACK can WORSEN symptoms.
  • Gravity can allow STOMACH ACID to flow more easily into the esophagus, leading to heartburn and discomfort.
  • So it could exacerbate acid reflux, JUST LIKE STOMACH SLEEPING.
Sleeping On Your SIDE:
  • Sleeping on your side is the BEST position to sleep in.
  • Why do you think all apes 🦍 sleep on their side?
  • And also, tribespeople? 
  • It shows that nature has a PREFERENCE for sleeping on the side.
The main reason being:
  • Your BRAIN and BODY can detoxify itself easier.
  • The thing is, during the day, your brain and body accumulates TOXINS over the course of the day.
  • However, it can’t detoxify itself during the day, it can only DETOXIFY 🌿 itself at NIGHT.
  • Pretty much, your brain flushes all of the toxins into your spinal fluid, where it’s then detoxified by the body.
  • Sleeping on your side makes it SIGNIFICANTLY easier for this process to occur.
  • WAY easier than if you were to try sleeping on your back or stomach.
  • And the detoxification has TONS of benefits for you.
Side sleeping has PLENTY of other benefits as well, like:
  • Side sleeping, especially with a PILLOW ☁️ between your knees, helps keep your spine in a neutral position.
  • This alignment REDUCES strain on your back, neck, and HIPS which can help alleviate or prevent back pain.
  • Side sleeping can help keep your airways open, SIGNIFICANTLY reducing snoring and sleep apnea.
  • Gravity helps keep your TONGUE and soft tissues from collapsing into your airway, promoting better breathing during sleep.
HEART Health:
  • Sleeping on your side can improve circulation and heart health.
  • This position allows your heart ❤️ to PUMP more effectively, as it doesn't have to work against gravity as much compared to sleeping on your right side or back.
  • For people with ACID reflux or GERD, sleeping on the left side can help keep stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus.
  • This can reduce symptoms like heartburn and discomfort during sleep.
Lymphatic Damage:
  • Side sleeping promotes better lymphatic drainage.
  • The lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from the body, and sleeping on your side can facilitate this process more efficiently.
Less Wrinkling:
  • Sleeping on your side, particularly if you switch sides regularly, can help prevent facial wrinkles compared to sleeping on your stomach or back.
Now it doesn’t really matter what side you sleep on, both are really good.
🔭 However, if you want to bias slightly more REM sleep, sleep on your left side, and if you want to bias slightly more slow-wave sleep, sleep on your right side.
🎯 ACTIONABLE STEP: Start sleeping on your SIDE, even if you're not already a SIDE SLEEPER. You'll get used to it. Make note of it, make a sticky note, stick to your bed "REMEMBER TO SLEEP ON YOUR SIDE TONIGHT". REMIND YOURSELF!
Anyways, no more fluff, let’s get into the proper ACTIONABLE STEPS for optimizing your breathing and sleep position, which will SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the risk of sleep apnea, and can SIGNIFICANTLY HELP sleep apnea, AND will boost your SLEEP, your HEALTH and overall performance, and just life in general!
🎯 FIRST ACTIONABLE STEP: Breathe PURELY through your NOSE during Exercise (Preferably during everything)
Yes, it sucks. But it WORKS.
This actionable step is SO good.
I remember when I used to struggle with breathing through my nose, it was horrible.
My nose would ALWAYS be stuffy, ESPECIALLY when I’d be working out. 🏋️‍♂️
And so I’d start MOUTH BREATHING during workouts to compensate.
However, I found this practice and now I'm purely nose breathing ALL the time, including during WORKOUTS. 🏋️‍♂️
Here’s why it WORKS:
  • Your nasal passages aren’t purely FIXED.
  • They are plastic ♻️ (not literally plastic) but, to simplify it, they can be DILATED overtime.
  • And with breathing purely through your nose ESPECIALLY during exercise, it will dilate your nostrils overtime.
  • Not to the point where you have BIG NOSTRILS, but your nasal passages will widen, and therefore it’ll make it EASIER for you to breathe through your nose.
  • No matter what sort of exercise, just breathe PURELY through your nose.
  • It’s REALLY hard at first, but overtime, it’ll become easier for you to breathe through your nose, and you’ll get used to it.
Now, our nostrils will be able to dilate more overtime because we’ll be purely nasally breathing during exercise.
However, your goal should be to apply this to everything, to nose breathe no matter what circumstances.
At night though, we’re not necessarily going to be AWAKE to CONTROL our nose breathing. 😳
We might be automatically MOUTH BREATHING in our sleep.
Even when I was in my phase of optimizing my BREATHING, checking I was nose-breathing all the time and stuff...
I thought I was NOSE-BREATHING during my sleep but I WASN'T.
If I fell asleep, and a family member 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 walked in, they'd tell me the next morning that my MOUTH WAS WIDE OPEN.
So, we're going to want to make sure we're not MOUTH BREATHING while we're SLEEPING.
So, here’s what we’re going to want to do:
🎯 SECOND ACTIONABLE STEP: Micropore Mouth-Tape
  • Apply some micropore tape 🎞️ onto your mouth before bed and fall asleep with it.
  • This will GUIDE you to unconsciously breathe through your NOSE, rather than with your MOUTH.
  • It will be uncomfortable at first, and you might have to reapply it multiple times during the night, but over time you’ll get used to it.
  • Why I’m telling you to get micropore tape and not medical tape, is that micropore tape is the same sort of tape that surgeons use, which if you rip off, doesn’t hurt, and does NOT damage the skin at ALL.
  • And, if you have sleep apnea, if you wake up gasping for air, the micropore tape is light, you’ll still be able to breathe when you wake up, and the micropore tape 🩹 will be easy and effortless to take off.
  • If you had medical tape, it would be highly DANGEROUS.
Now, we have micropore tape on our mouth while sleeping, so that we’re guided to breathe through our nose while we’re asleep, and our nostrils will be dilated overtime with breathing purely through our nose during exercise and with wearing micropore tape at night
However, we’ll also want to make it EASIER to breathe through our nose at night. SO:
🎯 Third ACTIONABLE STEP: Nasal Strips
When you wear these nasal strips, it significantly widens the nostrils AND increases your airflow.
AND they significantly decrease SNORING!
This will make it EASIER for you to breathe THROUGH your nose.
So, when to wear these nasal strips?
I highly recommend wearing them at night, so you can breathe FULLY through your nose during sleep, and don’t look weird throughout the day (If you wanted to, you could wear nasal strips all day).
Even people with NOSE surgeries 🪡, people who can’t even BREATHE out of their nostrils (e.g. Alex Hormozi 📈💰📊), nasal strips can get them to breathe through their nostrils.
These nasal strips can also enhance ATHLETIC performance!
So now, we’re breathing purely through our nose during exercise, we’re putting micropore tape on our mouth at night, and we’re also wearing nasal strips. What else can we do?
  • No, not ALCOHOL. 🍾
What the hell is alkalol anyway?
  • Alkalol is a nasal wash, and mucus solvent. 🤧
  • It’s completely organic, completely natural, and it’s a really good substance.
  • It’s only made of HERBAL oils. 🛢️
  • When you buy it, they give it to you with a nasal dispenser thing.
  • Neti pots have been around for THOUSANDS of YEARS.
  • They are a nasal irrigation device that can help relieve STUFFY or irritated nasal passages.
  • It’s really safe to use.
How to DO this Alkalol + Netipot + Salt 🧂 PROTOCOL for clearing out NASAL PASSAGES:
  • Take a bit of salt, add it into the netipot. Then add your alkalol (2 tablespoons), then add water (make sure it is distilled, or filtered, or purified, or BOILED, because if it's unfiltered/raw you can get REALLY sick, you might even get a brain infection 🧠 and die if it's unfiltered).
  • Then go to your bathroom, go to your sink, put the SPOUT of the neti pot in one nostril and tilt it, so the water goes up one nostril and then out the other.
  • Do the same thing to OTHER nostril
  • Then blow out through both nostrils
  • This will solve SO MANY problems with your nose.
  • This will CLEAR out your nasal passages.
  • Do this once in the MORNING, right after waking up, and once at NIGHT, right before SLEEPING.
What else can you do?
  • This will SIGNIFICANTLY help you to breathe through your nose better, and overall just have better tongue alignment.
  • There are NUMEROUS benefits with mewing, but let's not get into them now.
  • If you don't know how to mew, it's real simple. Just swallow, then keep that position that your tongue gets from it.
🎯 Sixth ACTIONABLE STEP: How Long Should You Inhale/Exhale For?
  • You should be doing a 5.5 second inhale, and 5.5 second EXHALE.
  • You should roughly be taking about 5.5 breaths a MINUTE.
  • This will take a lot to get used to, so overtime, slowly make your inhales, breath holds and exhales LONGER.
  • This will get you to unconsciously breathe slower.
  • This puts you into a more PARASYMPATHETIC state, so you could try it before BED! 🛏️
  • And this practice improves CARDIOVASCULAR adaptions as well!
  • If you find that you have a RUNNY NOSE or STUFFY NOSE (which you shouldn't have after this guide).
  • With nasal sprays, they give you MORE of a stuffy/runny nose OVERTIME.
  • It causes the inner membrane of your NOSE to grow new VEINS and ARTERIES, and SWELL and GROW in size, to the point where you need SURGERY to get them OUT.
📝 8. Final Notes
It's awesome that you've read this far bro... But
  • What's the point of reading this if you don't take action?
🎯 ACTIONABLE STEP: Implement at least ONE new ACTIONABLE STEP from this guide EACH WEEK (or if you want to implement it all at once that's all good)
You'll find that you'll be able to breathe WAY easier, your energy will be THROUGH the ROOF, and that your sleep will IMPROVE.
🎉 Congrats on reading this ALL THE WAY THROUGH brother. You have my ultimate respect and you have TOP 1% attention span.
I really hope that I could help you make a difference in your OWN LIFE when it comes to improving your ENERGY and your SLEEP! 😄
Please like and comment bro so that this post can reach more people and so more people can get their sleep and breathing FIXED!
I hope I could help you bro! 👍
Taylor Overton
Bros Helping Bros
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