3 day course creation
I'm thrilled to invite you to an immersive, hands-on 3-day workshop on Course Creation and Digital Marketing. This is a unique opportunity to build your own course funnel and learn how to drive traffic to your offer using simple Facebook ads.
Workshop Details:
  • Dates: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
  • Time: 10:00 AM Sydney time (equivalent to Tuesday-Thursday in the U.S.):8:00 PM Eastern Time (previous day)7:00 PM Central Time (previous day)5:00 PM Pacific Time (previous day)
  • Duration: 90 minutes each day
  • Platform: Zoom (link provided upon registration)
  • Registration Link: Register Here
What You'll Gain:
  • Hands-On Experience: Implement each step in real-time as we create funnels, set up automations, and launch Facebook ad campaigns.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage directly with me and fellow participants. Your active participation will enrich your learning experience.
  • Valuable Resources: The entire event will be recorded, and while the recordings will be available for sale later, you'll have firsthand access by attending live.
What You Need to Participate:
  • A laptop
  • Microphone and camera (for active Zoom participation)
  • Willingness to dive in and do the work during the sessions
Why Attend This Workshop?
By joining live, you'll not only learn the concepts but also apply them immediately. You'll build your course alongside me as I demonstrate each process. This practical approach ensures that you leave the workshop with tangible progress on your projects.
How to Register:
Secure your spot by clicking the link below. After registering, you'll receive the Zoom link and all the necessary details.
Don't miss out on this chance to elevate your course creation and digital marketing skills!
If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Warm regards,
Sagar Rawat
Sagar Rawat
3 day course creation
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