The goal of this group is simple...
To help people that raise money for real estate… raise more.
I made this group because I noticed there was a common theme.
There are many groups that tell you HOW to raise more capital, but most don’t give the TOOLS to raise capital. We want to do this while giving members the opportunity to network and collaborate.
How much would you spend if you could create an AUTOMATED SYSTEM to raise another $5m, $20m, $100m, or even $1b.
Is it $50k? $25k? $10k?
We are working to help you build a capital raising machine.
This is EXCLUSIVE to early members, and eventually will be paid... and will probably cost more than a tesla. Early members will EVENTUALLY get access to the entire machine for free.
This is a HUGE thank you to our early members.
Our transparent "selfish" goal is to help you generate STRONG results so we can build our brand, generate testimonials, and prove ourselves in the marketplace so we can charge high ticket for this in the future.
Over time, automations, funnels, templates, tools, scripts, and more will be released to scale your capital raising business.
What do you think is the most important thing to do when scaling your real estate business?
Is it having access to better deals? Going to conferences? Doing in person workshops? Posting on LinkedIn daily?
All of these things tasks are never ending.
It would be better to do things once, and have them pay dividends forever, right?
That is what we are working to help you build. A capital raising machine.
The first piece that is released to new members is our investor warm-up email sequence ($1,497 value).
Create this once, and have it done forever. This is huge.
Whenever you get someone's contact information, send them through your email sequence, and get them educated ASAP.
An investor who is educated is more likely to invest, feel more comfortable investing, and more likely to tell their friends about your business.
Investor referrals are by far the most common way businesses explode in this space, but we have to get a good size investor base first.
Building your warm-up email sequence will take time. But once this is done, it is done forever, and investors will appreciate the value that you give them.
I did everything I could to give you the FASTEST route to create an effective investor warm-up email sequence. I spent 40+ hours putting this email sequence and community together for you, and it will still require work on your end.
Side note: If we make more emails in the future, or see better results with something else. We will let you know.
Here is what is in progress to help you put rocket boosters on your real estate business:
  • Copy and paste website templates that you can use to attract new investors ($4,997 value).
  • Funnels for attracting new investors ($3,997 value).
  • Email scripts for onboarding ($1,997 value).
  • Linkedin profile template to attract investors online ($997 value).
  • BONUS: Viral Linkedin post templates ($497 value).
Total value in progress: $12,485
MORE BONUSES (in progress):
  • Weekly Q&A calls with top capital raisers.
  • Virtual networking events with other capital raisers.
  • Community of capital raisers that are going after the same goal.
All of this will be yours FOR FREE when it is released... because I want to thank you for being an early member. This offer may be off of the table very soon.
Here are the potential tools that we are thinking about releasing:
  • Copy paste guide for setting up your own private investor Skool group. This will create a sense of community and build social proof with your investors.
  • Lead magnet builder for generating hot investor leads online.
I am on this capital raising journey with you, and will be sharing my findings.
All of this is EXCLUSIVE to people that join this group… but it is available for a limited time.
This is only free because you are one of our early members. A big thank you.
To kick things off, please comment below by introducing yourself. Let us know:
  1. Your name
  2. What you have (deals, capital raising partnership opportunities, money to deploy, etc)
  3. What you need (capital, deals, partners, etc)
Keep it short and clear.
Scroll through the comments and see what other people have and need, and reach out to them if there is a collaboration opportunity.
I learned this from Pace Morby, who runs awesome speed networking groups. This will help you find what you need FAST and get your "first big win" in our group, the Capital Collective.
Do you know anyone else that would be interested in what we have to offer? Invite them now!
Weston Walker
The goal of this group is simple...
Capital Raisers
If you are raising capital for real estate syndications or funds, this is for you. Collaborate with others, and get deals done!
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