May 25 (edited) in Ceiliah Cares
Give Back Program #payitforward
Ceiliah Cares is a place to inspiring giving, sharing volunteering opportunities to support causes that are meaningful to where we work, live and highlight stories.
I love helping people and I believe in giving back to the community. The greatest asset I have to give is my 20+ years of education and expertise in real estate. I want to give generously. I was inspired to maximize my giving by a real estate agent that created a realtor “give back” program. So, I have created my own version. How it works is when you work with me, your transaction helps to make our community a better place. For every real estate transaction over $1M I will make a donation of 10% of my commission.
What I Do
Two passions of mine are: real estate and the community. I put my clients and the community first. I promise to make the buying and/or selling a positive experience by providing exceptional service while treating my clients honestly and fairly. I’m motivated to do what is best for my clients by listening and understanding their needs. I strive to provide better than excellent service and a wonderful experience.
My Mission
To make the world a little better place by fostering philanthropy through real estate transactions. I hope to inspire my clients to engage in the non-profit community and encourage long-term involvement.
Why I Donate
Supporting the community is important to me. From a young age I have memories of my family giving back to others through service. Throughout my life people have always been there to helped me. Giving back to the less fortunate in our community is my way of saying thank you to my clients for choosing me and thank you to the non-profits for their assistance within Miami that I have been calling home.
What’s the Catch?
The thing is, there isn’t a catch. I just want to do this and help support others. Lately, I have felt the greatest happiness from client testimonials thanking me for exceeding all expectation on the job I did for them over any monetary commission benefits. I want to feel good about my life and that all of my hard work is going to a greater good than just my own needs.
Ceiliah Epner
Give Back Program #payitforward
Ceiliah Connect
Miami Real Estate, Miami Real Estate Agent, Realtor,
Sharing what I know and continue to learn in real estate, marketing, business, health and life
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