A new way to organize your prompts, so that you do not need to scroll through history chats to copy/paste prompts anymore.
This is the problem I saw among chatGPT users. I do not know whether you experience it or not.
Have you ever been in this situation. You receive a nice answer with chatGPT but do not remember prompts? - You have to scroll over history chats to find your previous prompts, and copy/paste it to current chat. Your work pile up. You have many things to do on ChatGPT. You have difficulty organizing your prompts.
Would love to share with you a solution: Organize your prompts in an AI workflow → with just a simple input. AI can understand how to provide answer for that specific requirement.
Imagine not having to write a long prompt again after 1 time, but just provide a simple input, ChatGPT can provide you high-quality answers.
The technique is quite simple: everytime you got a really good prompt that generate best answers, and you need to use that prompts more time in the future → just put it into an AI workflow → design a mutual input (for example: for a blog post, the inputs are content ideas and target audience, for lesson plan, the inputs are grade level, subject,…)
You can try to input it in any AI agent/AI workflow builder platform. If our group has any other ideas, please share with me so that I could learn more from you.
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Khanh Do
A new way to organize your prompts, so that you do not need to scroll through history chats to copy/paste prompts anymore.
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