A Lake Tahoe Writer's Unexpected Journey
Hi All ...
I just wanted to introduce myself~ I am a huge outdoor enthusiast who just had to pull their boat (it's going to be 18 degrees here Thursday!) and is already having wakesurfing withdrawals. I'm a copywriter by trade and learned about the Skool community through another Tahoe local and that is where I fortuitously met Lainey.
Mental health is my #1 jam and I think it is (still) grossly under-talked about.
I have a funny saying throughout my blogs: "It's all mental" and whenever I write it I say it in a British rocker accent Spinal Tap-esqe.
BUT... TRUTH... It really really is. 😎
Last summer, I took a leap of faith and launched KPCopy, my very own copywriting company that I have amassed byte by byte.
Never considering myself a techy, I realized if I could learn all of these things, I could continue to expand. (Granted, things sometimes take me longer as I am a quintessential right brainer.)
As the story unfolds, AI entered my periphery and initially terrified, I once again educated myself. Diving in, I am totally intrigued and accepting that we need to embrace this very real new world and I am actually really good at explaining these technical things in a basic format. (along with jokes and self deprecation along the way...)
My next big dream? Creating a cozy little community where folks can learn about AI without feeling like they're trying to catch a unicorn. No get-rich-quick schemes here - just friendly faces and "aha!" moments aplenty. I want to help everyone from curious cats to tech-shy turtles understand the wonders of AI.
To make this happen, I'm on a mission to learn all about building this snuggly community of AI enthusiasts and helping myself while learning of any "blocks" I may have along the way. I have big dreams... HUGE.
It might be as challenging as my first attempts at wake surfing this summer (let's just say the lake got a few unexpected hugs and I got a few Neti pots without the saline), but I'm ready to ride this wave with a big smile and an open heart!❤️
Karin Priou
A Lake Tahoe Writer's Unexpected Journey
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