Stats for first 5 months of 2024 vs 2023 vs 2022
since being coached by Angelo and using Clinic Growth 360 starting Feb 1st 2023, in the first 5 months, our collections are up over $130,000. And since 2022 we’re up over $170,000. In the first 5 months.
Now, let me get this strait. Between my coaching fees and my 360 fees, and my FB spend my ROI is roughly 56.6.
I spend a buck, get committed, do the work, and my return is 56.6 bucks. In 5 months. In-fricken- believable!
The system works. Even for an old fart like me at 66y/o and almost 40 years in practice with more than 7 personal Chiro coaches over the years.
I you have a friend on the sidelines wondering if this works? It does. And I’m not even maxing out all the coaching I’ve had. I have a ways to go.
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Alan Cranton
Stats for first 5 months of 2024 vs 2023 vs 2022
Clinic Growth 360
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