Why are you here? Why are you really here?
Every day I speak with chiropractors who want more from their clinic. I find it really interesting to listen to these good people describe what they want in life. You would think that the reason they're on a call with me is simple. They want more or better quality leads so their clinics grow. That's a surface problem. A simple problem. If you apply a simple answer to a complex problem you'll quicky discover where you're lacking.
Everyone comes to us with a leads problem. The truth is most of them have a systems problem and they don't know it.
When they really drill down they want to help more people while not sacrificing all of their own energy while doing it. Some docs are struggling more than they would like to admit with both keeping a flow of steady patients only to turn the tap on with ads and expose a whole set of other problems. Who does it serve if a doc has to crash every evening at 9 pm because they're too worn out from taking care of their patients day after day? What are your thoughts?
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Greg Viner
Why are you here? Why are you really here?
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