The truth about Credit Karma
Credit Karma shows you a credit score from Equifax and Transunion. But these scores are not the same as the FICO score. They use a different scoring model called Vantage, which is cheaper for them to provide. However, the Vantage score can be 20-30 points different from the FICO score, so it's not very reliable.
Credit Karma has also faced legal trouble because they used the inflated Vantage score and falsely advertised "pre-approved" credit card offers. They did this to make more money through affiliate commissions.
It's important to know that the score doesn't matter as much as the credit report. And most banks actually use the FICO score, not the Vantage score. So, it's not the right score to focus on.
Don't be tricked by the nice design and ads of Credit Karma. They are a company that makes money from affiliate partnerships. So, their recommendations may not be trustworthy.
Jackie Lavielle
The truth about Credit Karma
Credit connector
Financial literacy, How to repair your own credit
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