Find your ICP - get rich
People over complicate it.
When you understand the details of your ICP you can become rich.
This stands for ideal customer profile
This is because you know
  • who they are
  • Where they hang out
  • How much they make (to afford your service)
  • Their biggest bottlenecks (for your solution)
So in my case
  • primarily agencies, coaches & consultants (have and can work in other industries)
  • Social media (dm outreach + paid ads + inbound content leads)
  • Need to be making $15k+/mo to afford service
  • Acquiring leads, nurturing & converting (essentially what every business leads to actually be a business lol)
Once you find your ICP, you’ll know where to find them and ofc what to offer them.
  • have a killer dm script (with the correct follow up protocols)
  • Have a killer media team (for ads and targeting)
  • Licensed AI voice agents + conversional AI
  • Help with content making sure they become a face people know, like & trust
From there, it’s all a numbers & volume game.
Your offer and results represent the price you can charge.
If you can take someone from $20k to $100k months in 120 days, you can justify $15k deals easily (and push for rev share 😉)
Whereas if your offer only makes your ICP an extra $5-10k per month, it’s much harder to justify your upfront fee.
Find where your ICP hangs and go all in.
And then book your calender like this
Harry Clark
Find your ICP - get rich
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