May 19 (edited) in πŸ—£ General
😞 It's Not Always Suppose To Feel Good
Yesterday I posted a potential icon for my new community.
I thought it was pretty cool.
The majority didn't.
I have to admit it didn't feel good.
And this post isnt really about the logo, I'll be fine πŸ™‚ its just to show you that you're not alone.
And it reminded me of countless other videos and posts that I've made on social that made me feel the exact same way.
I wanted to delete the poll to be honest. But I didn't. Because that wouldn't have be fair to the many people that took the time to vote and comment on the post.
I learned a lot. I think that's the key. The comments were quite insightful. Thank you btw πŸ™
You have to understand that more than anything, social media, community, posting, etc... is first and foremost a place to learn, to gain insights.
The profits only come after the insights and learnings.
You can't get those insights if you don't post it, if you delete everything you post.
It's not about winning every time time.
Winning comes after losing.
So just get those loses over with already so you can win.
Stephen G. Pope
😞 It's Not Always Suppose To Feel Good
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