Let's Talk All Things chatGPT & content 🤖
Something I've noticed, pretty much overnight is how the world's perception of writing did a complete 360!
It's gone from: "Seriously no one cares about writing, it doesn't matter anymore!"
To this: "Writing is the most important thing! chatGPT our saviour! Writing is so important!"
(go back and re-read that in the most corporate tone you could imagine 🏙️)
I love this shift don't get me wrong but what caused this momentum swing ... chatGPT. I've been on it day in day out for the past month testing and experimenting what works and what doesn't, and let me tell you what I've found:
✅ chatGPT should be considered as a robot perched on your shoulder
❌ chatGPT is not a creator of content, YOU ARE!
Instead of treating it as a microwave that's going to cook up your copy and content in seconds, use it to do the following:
🧠 Brainstorm
📝 Refine and edit your brilliant ideas
🤯 Act as a sounding board for when you have writers block
If there's one thing that's been made clear in the first month of 2023... it's that WRITTING MATTERS!
Have you jumped on chatGPT? What are your thoughts?
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Taylor Cc
Let's Talk All Things chatGPT & content 🤖
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