Risk is an illusion
How do you feel whenever you need to take a risk?
Whether it be investing into an external asset or into yourself? How do you feel? Fear?
Fair enough. But if you do….
Then it’s not risk that’s the problem.
Fear is simply an emotion. So the problem isn’t the risk, its the fear.
And you likely feel fear because:
  • You don’t trust whatever it is you’re investing into
  • You don’t trust yourself to make that investment worth it
Think about it…
Why do you not invest more money into altcoins?
Is it because you’re scared of losing money?
But why are you scared of losing the money? Maybe it’s because:
  • You don’t know enough about the asset.
  • You don’t think you can make back that money if you do lose it.
Either way, it’s not risk that’s the problem. It’s your fear. Honestly, I’ve felt that fear many times before.
Whether it’s before I take a trade, invest into a coin or buy a coaching program.
How do I overcome it?
By reminding myself that on the other side of risk is always potential reward.
What’s the worst that can happen if I lose X money?
“I guess I’ll have to put my head down to work for a couple months. But I wouldn’t die or go hungry.”
But what’s the best-case scenario if I were to invest?
“I’d probably get back 10x my investment or more.”
There’s a saying that I pretty much live by.
You are only one decision away from completely changing your life for the better.
Jeff Bezos became (at one point) the richest man alive because he made the decision to quit his investment banking job to open a virtual bookstore.
Did it seem stupid? Hell yeah it did. Even I would’ve thought so at the time.
Was it risky? Depends on how you look at it.
But did it pay off? More than what his wildest dreams could’ve imagined. And that’s life.
You can fail 100 different decisions and you likely won’t die. But all it takes is one winning decision and your life is changed forever.
I’ll cap this off with another one of my favourite quotes:
“See, that’s the difference between you and me. You play to lose small. I play to win big.” - Harvey Specter.
Start playing to win big. Because that’s the only way you win at life. Think about this another way. Something that might appear low risk can actually be high risk. Think back to your college days.
How many of your friends decided to take the safe 9-5 path with a stable income?
Where are they now?
Maybe they have a house, a wife and kids.
But are they truly living the life they want to live?
I bring this up because this is exactly what I’m seeing with my friends who recently graduated and started getting jobs. Getting stuck in rush hour traffic and pulling tiring workdays just to earn chump change. Meanwhile, I get up anytime I want to.
I eat anything I desire without thinking about price.
I travel the world, smoke cigars and hang out with other high-level entrepreneurs.
All because I dropped out of college to start trading and get into business when I was 19.
Was it high-risk then?
Well, depends on how you view risk.
But at least in my mind, not taking risks is actually the greatest risk we take.
That's all...
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Lee Jia Suen
Risk is an illusion
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