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Hello People!
My name is Stevan and I'm far from a sales expert. I am in Cybersecurity & SaaS sales. I have 50+ lifetime sales in my career (so far) and 250+ appointment's set via Cold Calls. My goal for this group is to help you in your sales/entrepreneurship journey. How? That is 100% up to this community. I have ideas to bring people in for Q&A's, breakdowns, and sales tactics talks. I want to start with anyone doing $450,000+/year that I know. Then expanding out of my inner circle (hopefully Hormozi one of these days). But again, that's just an idea. If you have a specific pain point, let me know and I will attempt to add as much value to you as possible.
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Tech Sales
“I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
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