Building confidence in your children
When we started this group, we wanted to be able to share our experiences as fathers, learn from one another, and gain confidence in leading our kids. Confidence has to come from within, so I see this as a fitting first post for me on the platform.
Coming from a broken homes, when my wife and I decided to have children, the number one wish we had was for healthy babies. Breaking the cycle of negativity we both experienced as kids was a close second.
I make a conscious effort to tell my children positive qualities they have daily. “You are so smart, son..”. “Wow, that’s a great question..”. “Sweetheart you are so cute..”. It started to become almost a daily affirmation to our son and daughter. When headed to school in the morning, we tell our kids how athletic, handsome, beautiful, intelligent, caring, loving, and kind they are. We kind of set up their day with positive vibes if that makes sense.
I truly believe instilling confidence in your kids makes them stronger and better humans. Of course you have to have confidence in yourself first to instill it in others. I work to keep this confidence up daily, because my main mission is to prepare these children I love for success when I’m no longer around.
Some of this comes from my background in the military, however most is the desire to get it right and prepare these kids to be kind, confident, successful human beings.
Coach your kids athletic sports, take the extra time to show them an answer to their question, pull over for ice cream after school on a whim. I’m spiritual, so there is always that aspect of daily life I instill in our kids as well.
In short, I try to create an atmosphere of encouragement and enthusiasm with our children daily. You get out as much as you put in. I encourage you to try this and make a conscious effort to do a little extra for your kids daily.
I know there are good and bad days, however like a good investor, I always strive for overall up and to the right. Think outside the box, get creative, zig when you should zag. I truly believe leaving the earth a little better than you had it is 100% in your offspring.
Michael Gilliam
Building confidence in your children
DAdvice: Dad Advice for Life
Advice from dads, where we share our collective life skills in how to best navigate the world and the challenges of life, with dad jokes peppered in.
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