Before it's too late 🎵
Thinking of that song "Purpose" from Avenue Q --
This week I sent an email about hooking into your purpose and how being a musical theatre singer harmonizes with that.
A big part of my purpose is to help people heal. I've experienced a lot of healing in my life, and few things are more satisfying to me than
hearing a singer say, "I enjoy singing again" or
seeing them able to access themselves in new ways.
Watching someone become kinder to themselves.
Pointing people in helpful directions and sharing what's worked for me.
Even when I sing, I want the sound of my voice to be a healing medium, a vibration that communicates to the hearer -- you're precious, God loves you, and you're here for beautiful reasons.
What's one thing that's part of your purpose, and how does singing resonate with that?
Dan Callaway
Before it's too late 🎵
Dan Callaway Studio
I help music theatre performers sing great, be confident, and get to work with clear, simple, and wholehearted tools. 💙🔥
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