Do yourself every favor
I'm singing a concert tomorrow with a local wind and brass ensemble, and the piece I'm singing has ever-changing time signatures. At rehearsal this week I thought oh I can read music I should be fine on this counting. I made a few mistakes.
So I literally went through my music and wrote the number of beats on every measure, and at the dress rehearsal today I literally counted using my fingers against my folder.
I sang it well, and all the rhythms were precise.
My brain thought "if you were a real musician you wouldn't need to write these counts out and you would be able to just to feel the internal pulse without counting on your fingers like a second grader." -- messages I picked up from various teachers and professors.
Truth is I needed the numbers in my score and I needed my fingers to count so that I could know where I actually was.
It worked, and it made me feel confident, and I did good work.
Are there things that you tell yourself you shouldn't need? What if you gave them to yourself? Do yourself every favor.
Dan Callaway
Do yourself every favor
Dan Callaway Studio
I help music theatre performers sing great, be confident, and get to work with clear, simple, and wholehearted tools. 💙🔥
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