Singing is Weird
As I'm building the classroom for you, I want to feature some things that are already there -- the 7 mistakes series has some lifesavers in it.
I think if we can always remember that singing is weird, then we can get to work and open up to solutions we might not have discovered otherwise.
If you're moving energized, emotionally charged vibration through your vocal tract, it's not instinctive to let your pharynx soften and allow the flow on through. It feels like you're Christine Baranski in The Gilded Age or something.
When was a time when you tried something counterintuitive with your singing that ended up working great?
Dan Callaway
Singing is Weird
Dan Callaway Studio
I help music theatre performers sing great, be confident, and get to work with clear, simple, and wholehearted tools. 💙🔥
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