The Who
It's a band AND a question.
This has been profound for me, and I want to invite you into this. I want you to open your heart and give yourself some deep permission to listen and discern what your immediate purpose is right now -- what's your most alive mission?
And in order to live that mission, WHO do you have to be to handle that responsibility? Let yourself bubble and fizz on that for the next few days. See who that person is, and know that in your entire timeline visible in all its completeness from quantum mechanical and divine perspectives, you're already that.
So what if you let that you-tree go ahead and grow now, deepen roots now, inform the choices you're making and the time you're investing now?
This question has come for me in the last few months, and it's changing me into who God put me here to be -- I want you to meditate on it, too. There are folks who need you to do that thing you've been pretending to do but skillfully hiding.
Tell me what yours is, and I'll share mine in the comments later. Let us know.
Love and purpose to you
Dan Callaway
The Who
Dan Callaway Studio
I help music theatre performers sing great, be confident, and get to work with clear, simple, and wholehearted tools. πŸ’™πŸ”₯
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